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Releases: needle-mirror/com.unity.addressables


15 Jan 21:05
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1.17.2-preview Pre-release

[1.17.2-preview] - 2021-01-14

  • Add silent fail option to providers to get rid of error when cache not found as expected
  • Hierarchy now fully displayed in search results when 'show groups as hierarchy' and 'hierarchical search' options are enabled
  • OnValidate is now called when an AssetReference changes
  • Fixed bugs in Use Asset Database play mode related to multiple folders with matching addresses
  • Made the following APIs public:
    • ResourceManager.CreateChainOperation
    • AddressablesAnalyzeResultData
    • AddressableAssetSettings.OptimizeCatalogSize
    • BundledAssetGroupSchema.AssetNamingMode
    • BundledAssetGroupSchema.IncludeAddressInCatalog
    • BundledAssetGroupSchema.IncludeGUIDInCatalog
    • BundledAssetGroupSchema.IncludeLabelsInCatalog
    • BundledAssetGroupSchema.InternalIdNamingMode
    • BuildScriptBase.Log
    • ResourceManagerRuntimeData.AddressablesVersion
    • ProjectConfigData
      • ProjectConfigData.ShowSubObjectsInGroupView
      • ProjectConfigData.GenerateBuildLayout
      • ProjectConfigData.ActivePlayModeIndex
      • ProjectConfigData.PostProfilerEvents
      • ProjectConfigData.LocalLoadSpeed
      • ProjectConfigData.RemoteLoadSpeed
      • ProjectConfigData.HierarchicalSearch
      • ProjectConfigData.ShowGroupsAsHierarchy
    • BuildLayoutGenerationTask
    • BuildLayoutGenerationTask.BundleNameRemap
    • ExtractDataTask.BuildContext
    • ContentCatalogData.SetData(IList data, bool optimizeSize)
    • ContentCatalogData(string id) constructor
    • ContentUpdateContext
      • ContentUpdateContext.GuidToPreviousAssetStateMap
      • ContentUpdateContext.IdToCatalogDataEntryMap
      • ContentUpdateContext.BundleToInternalBundleIdMap
      • ContentUpdateContext.WriteData
      • ContentUpdateContext.ContentState
      • ContentUpdateContext.Registry
      • ContentUpdateContext.PreviousAssetStateCarryOver
    • RevertUnchangedAssetsToPreviousAssetState
      • RevertUnchangedAssetsToPreviousAssetState.Run
    • AddressableAssetEntry.GetAssetLoadPath(bool isBundled, HashSet otherLoadPaths)
    • AddressableAssetSettings.IgnoreUnsupportedFilesInBuild


16 Dec 23:05
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1.17.0-preview Pre-release

[1.17.0-preview] - 2020-12-13

  • Added option to clear other cahced versions of asset bundles when a new version has been loaded.
  • Added options for internal naming of asset bundles. This will allow for deterministic naming to avoid unintended diffs for content updates.
  • The "Ignore Invalid/Unsupported Files" option is now saved in the settings
  • Fixed issue where Filename only bundle naming schemas were overwriting old bundles prematurely in content update.


02 Dec 21:05
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[1.16.15] - 2020-12-09

  • Addressables link.xml should now have it's own folder.
  • Fixed an issue where InvalidKeyException was getting thrown when calling GetDownloadSizeAsync on scenes
  • Resources folders inside Unity packages now get added to the Built In Data group
  • Fixed issue where getting selected subasset would cause an error if any subassets' type was null


20 Nov 16:06
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[1.16.12] - 2020-12-02

  • ...

[1.16.11] - 2020-11-18

  • Added option to invert the display of CheckBundleDupeDependencies Analyze rule
  • Fix GatherEntryLocations for scenes when parameter type is null
  • Added some API docs for RuntimeBuildLog and AnalyzeResultData that were missing.
  • Updated docs to explain the use of profile variables a little better.
  • Added ability to toggle Check Duplicate Bundle Dependencies analyze rule results to be arranged by Group or Asset
  • Allow assets that are inside a com.unity* package to be marked as addressable


24 Nov 18:06
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[1.16.13] - 2020-11-18

  • Added option to invert the display of CheckBundleDupeDependencies Analyze rule
  • Fix GatherEntryLocations for scenes when parameter type is null
  • Added some API docs for RuntimeBuildLog and AnalyzeResultData that were missing.
  • Updated docs to explain the use of profile variables a little better.
  • Added ability to toggle Check Duplicate Bundle Dependencies analyze rule results to be arranged by Group or Asset
  • Allow assets that are inside a com.unity* package to be marked as addressable


12 Nov 19:05
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[1.16.10] - 2020-11-4

  • Added internal naming option for the Bundled Asset Group Schema. Instead of using the full path, there are options to use the asset guid or the hashcode of the guid. These values are stable and wont change if the asset path changes, reducing the need to rebuild a bundle if paths change but contents do not. The internal ids stored in the content catalog will generally be shorter than asset paths - 32 bytes for the full guid, 8 bytes for the guid hash.
  • Added option to exclude sub catalog entries by file extension
  • Added options to exclude catalog entries for address, labels, and guids
  • Added option to optimize catalog size by extracting duplicated string in urls and file paths
  • Fixed issue where ResourceLocations were returning null for the ResourceType.
  • Added warning to build when an Addressable Group doesn't have any AddressableAssetGroupSchemas
  • Fixed issue where resource folder search was case sensitive for Mac and Linux
  • Fixed issue where warnings were getting logged incorrectly when marking an asset as Addressable using the checkbox in the inspector.
  • Add Yamato trigger for release testing & rework variables into metafile
  • Fixed issue where an AssetReference's cached asset is not reset when the underlying asset re-imports.
  • Fixed issue where we were still checking for CRC when a bundle was cached.
  • Fixed bug when using Play Mode Script "Use AssetDatabase (fastest)", and calling Addressables.LoadContentCatalogAsync would fail when it had not been cached.


22 Oct 16:04
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[1.16.7] - 2020-10-21

  • Fixed issue where InvalidHandle errors were getting thrown if an operation failed with releaseDependenciesOnFailure turned on.
  • Fixed group build and load paths not being saved when editing multiple groups at once
  • Changed Analyze Result data to be cached in the Library. Result data was previously stored in Assets/AddressableAssetsData/AnalyzeData/AnalyzeRuleData.asset. It is now stored in Library/com.unity/addressables/AnalyzeData/AnalyzeRuleData.json. If detected, the Assets - version of the Analyze data will be automatically cleaned up.
  • Fixed line in AsyncOperationHandle documentation that told the wrong API for acquiring a handle
  • Moved the content update documents to their own page. Expanded and clarified information on the update process


13 Oct 17:02
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[1.16.6] - 2020-09-30

  • Group hierarchy support in groups window by detecting '-' in group name
    • This can be turned on & off in the addressable asset settings inspector: Group Hierarchy with Dashes
    • This only affects the visual display, groups are still stored in the main settings object in a flat list
    • The group name is unaffected. If you name a group "x-y-z" that will be it's name, but, with the option on, it will display as if it was in a folder called "y" that was inside a folder called "x"
  • Fixed fast mode resource locator Keys property to expand all possible keys when accessed. For large projects with many addressable entries and folders, this property may be slow when called for the first time.
  • Group hierarchy support
  • Added detailed build layout feature. See documentation for details.
  • Fixed issue where assets in Resources weren't show full key in Groups window
  • Fixed issue where loading Addressables from a different project was throwing errors.
  • Fixed WriteSerializedFiles profile event timings when using the detailed build log
  • Selecting multiple Resources and checking "addressable" now display a single popup
  • Fixed CreateArrayResult wouldn't work with classes derived from Object, only the base class, so not for ScriptableObject. Also added test
  • Fixed exceptions not handled while loading ContentCatalog
  • Fixed issue where passing false into releaseDependenciesOnFailure was still releasing dependencies on failure
  • Fixed issue where failed operations could over release their dependencies.
  • Changes to an AssetReference rendered by AssetReferenceDrawer now register as a GUI change
  • Added a checkbox in settings to ignore invalid/unsupported files during build
  • empty folders are cleaned-up when moving multiple resources fails
  • fixed bug where an error would occur when moving resources for paths without extensions
  • Fixed issue where AddressableAsset files locked by version control couldn't be modified.


22 Sep 17:03
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[1.16.1] - 2020-09-15

  • Fixed bug where some files would not be created in the right folder if the user moved its addressables config folder elsewhere
  • Fixed determanism issue where bundles could have different names after Editor restart
  • Added a blurb to the documentation explaining you have to pack an atlas before the sub objects will show up in the groups window
  • Added "addressable" checkbox when viewing package assets in the Inspector.
  • Fixed issue where GatherAllAssets would not retrieve assets located in package resources folders.
  • Fixed issue where temporary StreamingAssets folder are recreated due to un-deleted meta files during a player build
  • added Equals implementation for typeless AsyncOperationHandle
  • When AssetReference MainAsset changed, reset SubObject
  • resource manager callback leak fixes
  • Packed Playmode build logs regarding BuildTargets now show up in PlayMode
  • Additional Fast Mode optimizations
  • Fixed issue where a released operation was not properly cleaned-up
  • Fixed issue where renaming an AssetGroup with a name that contained a period led to unusual renaming behavior.
  • Removed Analyze Rule "Check Sprite Atlas To...". This check was not actually valid. See "SpriteAtlas dependencies" section of "Memory Management" page in Addressables documentation for more information.
  • UnloadSceneAsync calls that attempt to unload a scene that is still currently loading are now chained with the load operation and will complete after the load is finished.
  • The MaxConcurrentWebRequests exposed on the AddressableAssetSettings object now gets set during runtime initialization
  • Fix performance issues drawing AssetReferences with subassets caused by earlier changes to AssetReferenceDrawer
  • Fixed bug where Addressables.ClearDepenendcyCache wasn't clearing the cache.
  • AssetReferenceUILabelRestriction attribute now works properly on references in nested classes


27 Aug 20:02
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[1.15.1] - 2020-08-25

  • Change to not allow the same AssetReference to LoadAssetAsync or LoadSceneAsync twice if current handle is valid, instead log an error with note about how to get the valid handle
  • Fixed issue where disabled asset groups data would be included in the addressables_content_state.bin file for the build.
  • Add ability to use custom ResourceManager exception handlers by not overwriting it in InitializeAsync if it is not null
  • Fixed bug where Content Update would not use asset bundle load options for unchanged static remote bundles.
  • Fixed LoadAssetAsync<IList> to return the same set of objects in all play modes. The main asset is always first and hidden objects are ignored.
  • Changed keys parameter for many Addressables APIs to be IEnumerable instead of IList. This allows for passing collections of AssetReferences or AssetLabelReferences directly instead of requiring them to be copied into a new List.
  • Fix bug where lists of AssetReferenceSprites were not displayed or set right by AssetReferenceDrawer. Also fixed where multiple selected objects in project hierarchy couldn't set all lists of AssetReferences elements.
  • Added better error logging when unrecognized file in build.
  • Added error log when building asset bundles during player build.
  • Added "Hide Events" context menu option in Event Viewer
  • Fixed a bug where running the "Check Scene to Addressable Duplicate Dependencies" analyze rule multiple times would cause a duplicate key exception
  • The "Check Scene to Addressable Duplicate Dependencies" analyze rule now only considers scenes that are enabled in the build settings.
  • Fixed a bug where an error would be thrown when Unity 2019 opens and if the hosting window was previously left open
  • Fixed a bug where changes to a service where not applied in the hosting window
  • Fixed a bug where profile selection in the inspector was incorrectly reverted to the default one on domain reload
  • Added documentation for LoadResourceLocationsAsync
  • Added documentation for ResourceManager.ExceptionHandler
  • Added documentation for AddressableAssetSettings.BuildPlayerContent
  • Added documentation for LoadSceneAsync
  • Added ScriptableBuildPipeline Build Callbacks to Addressables Build Scripts
  • Temporary files made during bundled catalog creation are now properly cleaned up
  • Inspector window now opens if it was closed when inspecting addressable settings
  • Fixed bug where AsyncOperation.PercentComplete was returning 100% when IsDone was false before the operation had started.
  • Progress bar is no longer updated for every entry while running Analyze rules for performance purposes.
  • Fixed loading of scenes from scenes list through Addressables. Clears out an InvalidCastException that occured on init.
  • Fixed issue where AssetReference wasn't able to load Addressable assets in folders during AssetDatabase Mode.