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This repository contains the notes, codes, assignments, quizzes and other additional materials about the course "AI for Medical Prognosis" from DeepLearning.AI Coursera. Enjoy!

The notes contain the modules outlined below:

Week Module Gist
1-1 Introducution to prognostic model
  • Intro
  • Pre-requisites and learning outcomes
  • 1-2 What is the risk of getting a disease
  • Medical Prognosis
  • Create a linear model
  • 1-3 Prognostic model in medical practice
  • Examples of Prognostic Tasks
  • Atrial Fibrillation
  • Liver Disease Mortality
  • Risk of Heart Disease
  • Risk Scores, Pandas and Numpy
  • 1-4 Representing feature interaction
  • Risk Score Computation
  • Combine Features
  • 1-5 Evaluating prognostic models
  • Evaluating Prognostic Models
  • Concordant Pairs, Risk Ties, Permissible Pairs
  • C-Index
  • Concordance Index
  • A Build and Evaluate a Linear Risk model ^_^
    2-1 Tree based model
  • Decision Trees for Prognosis
  • Decision Trees
  • Dividing the Input Space
  • Building a Decision Tree
  • How to Fix Overfitting
  • Decision Tree Classifier
  • 2-2 Identifying missing data
  • Survival Data
  • Different Distributions
  • Missing Data Example
  • Missing Completely at Random
  • Missing at Random
  • Missing Not at Random
  • Missing Data and Applying a Mask
  • 2-3 Using imputation to handle missing data
  • Imputation
  • Mean Imputation
  • Regression Imputation
  • Calculate Imputed Values
  • Imputation
  • 3-1 Survival Estimates
  • Survival Models
  • Survival Function
  • Valid Survival Functions
  • 3-2 Time to event data
  • Collecting Time Data
  • When a Stroke is Not Observed
  • Heart Attack Data
  • Right Censoring
  • 3-3 Estimate survival with censored data
  • Estimating the Survival Function
  • Died Immediately, or Never Die
  • Somewhere in-between
  • Counting Patients
  • Using Censored Data
  • Chain Rule of Conditional Probability
  • Deriving Survival
  • Calculating Probabilities from the Data
  • Comparing Estimates
  • Kaplan Meier Estimate
  • Kaplan Meier
  • Q Survival _
    A Survival Estimates that Vary with Time ^_^
    4-1 Survival and hazard functions
  • Iamge segmentation
  • Lab-MRI data and labels
  • 4-2 Customizing risk models to
    individual patients
  • Individualized Predictions
  • Relative Risk
  • Ranking Patients by Risk
  • Individual vs Baseline Hazard
  • Smoker vs Non-smoker
  • Effect of Age on Hazard
  • Risk Factor Increase Per Unit Increase in a Variable
  • Risk Factor Increase or Decrease
  • Hazard Function
  • 4-3 Non-linear risk models with survival trees
  • Intro to Survival Trees
  • Survival Tree
  • Nelson Aalen Estimator
  • Comparing Risks of Patients
  • Mortality Score
  • 4-4 Evaluate survival models
  • Evaluation of Survival Model
  • Permissible and Non-Permissible Pairs
  • Possible Permissible Pairs
  • Example of Harrell's C-Index
  • Example of Concordant Pairs
  • Permissible Pairs with Censoring and Time
  • Q 9 quetions _
    A Cox Proportional Hazards and
    Random Survival Forests

    “Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.”