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Releases: ni/nimi-python

Python 3.12 Support

26 Apr 20:24
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  • ALL

    • Added

      • Support for Python 3.12
  • nidcpower (NI-DCPower)

    • Changed

      • Fix #1664: has several issues preventing it from working out of the box on real hardware.
  • nifgen (NI-FGEN)

    • Added

      • Properties added:
        • started_event_pulse_width - #1873
        • done_event_pulse_width - #1873
        • marker_event_pulse_width - #1873
        • started_event_pulse_width_units - #1873
        • done_event_pulse_width_units - #1873
        • marker_event_pulse_width_units - #1873
      • Enum added:
        • EventPulseWidthUnits - #1873

NI-DCPower 2023 Q4 API Parity

15 Dec 20:24
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  • nidcpower (NI-DCPower)

    • Added

      • API parity with NI-DCPower 2023 Q4.
        • Properties added:
          • current_level_rising_slew_rate
          • current_level_falling_slew_rate
          • conduction_voltage_mode
          • conduction_voltage_on_threshold
          • conduction_voltage_off_threshold
          • output_cutoff_voltage_measure_limit_high
          • output_cutoff_voltage_measure_limit_low
        • Enum added:
          • ConductionVoltageMode
        • Enum values added:
          • E_LOAD added to enum InstrumentMode
          • CURRENT_SATURATED, VOLTAGE_MEASURE_HIGH and VOLTAGE_MEASURE_LOW added to enum OutputCutoffReason

Faster niscope.Session.fetch()

11 Sep 20:08
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  • ALL

    • Changed

      • Fix #1970: Incorrect error when driver runtime not installed.
      • Fix #1998: nimi-python APIs inefficiently allocate Python arrays.
    • Removed

      • Support for Python 3.7

Fix niscope multi-instrument fetches and add telemetry support to driver apis.

12 Jun 13:53
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  • ALL

    • Removed

      • easy_install support
  • nidigital (NI-Digital Pattern Driver)

    • Added

      • Pass Python interpreter information if the driver runtime version supports it. This is used by NI in order to better understand client usage.
  • nidmm (NI-DMM)

    • Added

      • Pass Python interpreter information if the driver runtime version supports it. This is used by NI in order to better understand client usage.
  • nifgen (NI-FGEN)

    • Added

      • Pass Python interpreter information if the driver runtime version supports it. This is used by NI in order to better understand client usage.
  • niscope (NI-SCOPE)

    • Added

      • get_channel_names()
      • Pass Python interpreter information if the driver runtime version supports it. This is used by NI in order to better understand client usage.
    • Changed

      • Fix #1770: fetch(), read(), and friends return wrong data when called with channel ranges on multi-instrument session.
  • niswitch (NI-SWITCH)

    • Added

      • Pass Python interpreter information if the driver runtime version supports it. This is used by NI in order to better understand client usage.

Add Python 3.11 Support and API Parity with 2023 Q2 Driver Runtimes

14 Apr 16:55
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  • ALL

    • Added

      • Support for Python 3.11
    • Changed

      • Fix #1888: Deadlock on multithreaded usage due to UnlockSession always being called with callerHasLock=False.
  • nidcpower (NI-DCPower)

    • Added

      • Pass Python interpreter information if the driver runtime version supports it. This is used by NI in order to better understand client usage.
      • API parity with NI-DCPower 2023 Q2.
        • Properties added:
          • lcr_ac_dither_enabled
          • lcr_ac_electrical_cable_length_delay
          • lcr_dc_bias_transient_response
          • lcr_source_aperture_time
          • measure_complete_event_output_behavior
          • measure_complete_event_toggle_initial_state
          • sequence_engine_done_event_output_behavior
          • sequence_engine_done_event_toggle_initial_state
          • sequence_iteration_complete_event_output_behavior
          • sequence_iteration_complete_event_toggle_initial_state
          • source_complete_event_output_behavior
          • source_complete_event_toggle_initial_state
        • Enums added:
          • CurrentLimitBehavior
          • EventOutputBehavior
          • EventToggleInitialState
          • LCRDCBiasTransientResponse
        • Enum values added:
          • AS_CONFIGURED added to enum LCROpenShortLoadCompensationDataSource
          • NI_STANDARD_0_5M added to enum CableLength
        • Methods added:
          • configure_lcr_compensation
          • get_lcr_compensation_data
    • Changed

      • Enums reordered:
        • AutoZero
        • CableLength
  • nidigital (NI-Digital Pattern Driver)

    • Changed

      • Update GRPC_SERVICE_INTERFACE_NAME to use the correct gRPC package name (nidigitalpattern_grpc).
  • niscope (NI-SCOPE)

    • Changed

      • Fix #1941: When calling niscope.Session.fetch_array_measurement in a MeasurementLink measurement plugin, meas_wfm_size cannot be set.
        • Requires NI gRPC Device Server 2023 Q2 or later. Older versions do not support this parameter and return all available samples.

Added support for Python 3.10, drop Python 3.6, and support 2022 Q4 drivers

16 Dec 21:11
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  • ALL

    • Added

      • Support for Python 3.10
    • Removed

      • Support for Python 3.6
  • nidcpower (NI-DCPower)

    • Added

      • MeasurementLink support
    • Changed

      • Binary compatibility change for type LCRLoadCompensationSpot on Linux. Client code using method nidcpower.Session.perform_lcr_load_compensation on Linux now requires NI-DCPower 2023 Q1 driver runtime or newer.
  • nidigital (NI-Digital Pattern Driver)

    • Added

      • MeasurementLink support
  • nidmm (NI-DMM)

    • Added

      • MeasurementLink support
  • nifgen (NI-FGEN)

    • Added

      • MeasurementLink support
  • niscope (NI-SCOPE)

    • Added

      • MeasurementLink support
  • niswitch (NI-SWITCH)

    • Added

      • MeasurementLink support
    • Changed

      • Fix #1652: Topology constants haven't been updated on help page

LCR support and API parity with 2022 Q3 driver in nidcpower

03 Aug 15:48
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  • nidcpower (NI-DCPower)

    • Added

      • API parity with NI-DCPower 2022 Q3.
        • Properties added:
          • aperture_time_auto_mode
          • autorange_maximum_delay_after_range_change
          • cable_length
          • instrument_mode
          • isolation_state
          • lcr_actual_load_reactance
          • lcr_actual_load_resistance
          • lcr_automatic_level_control
          • lcr_current_amplitude
          • lcr_current_range
          • lcr_custom_measurement_time
          • lcr_dc_bias_automatic_level_control
          • lcr_dc_bias_current_level
          • lcr_dc_bias_current_range
          • lcr_dc_bias_source
          • lcr_dc_bias_voltage_level
          • lcr_dc_bias_voltage_range
          • lcr_frequency
          • lcr_impedance_auto_range
          • lcr_impedance_range
          • lcr_impedance_range_source
          • lcr_load_capacitance
          • lcr_load_compensation_enabled
          • lcr_load_inductance
          • lcr_load_resistance
          • lcr_measured_load_reactance
          • lcr_measured_load_resistance
          • lcr_measurement_time
          • lcr_open_compensation_enabled
          • lcr_open_conductance
          • lcr_open_short_load_compensation_data_source
          • lcr_open_susceptance
          • lcr_short_compensation_enabled
          • lcr_short_custom_cable_compensation_enabled
          • lcr_short_reactance
          • lcr_short_resistance
          • lcr_source_delay_mode
          • lcr_stimulus_function
          • lcr_voltage_amplitude
          • lcr_voltage_range
        • Enums added:
          • ApertureTimeAutoMode
          • CableLength
          • InstrumentMode
          • LCRCompensationType
          • LCRDCBiasSource
          • LCRImpedanceRangeSource
          • LCRMeasurementTime
          • LCROpenShortLoadCompensationDataSource
          • LCRReferenceValueType
          • LCRSourceDelayMode
          • LCRStimulusFunction
        • Methods added:
          • configure_lcr_custom_cable_compensation
          • fetch_multiple_lcr
          • get_lcr_compensation_last_date_and_time
          • get_lcr_custom_cable_compensation_data
          • measure_multiple_lcr
          • perform_lcr_load_compensation
          • perform_lcr_open_compensation
          • perform_lcr_open_custom_cable_compensation
          • perform_lcr_short_compensation
          • perform_lcr_short_custom_cable_compensation
        • Custom types added:
          • LCRLoadCompensationSpot
          • LCRMeasurement
      • example
    • Changed

      • Updated supported devices information in documentation for methods and properties
      • Added channel field to the Measurement namedtuple instances returned by fetch_multiple and measure_multiple
  • nifgen (NI-FGEN)

    • Added

      • data_markers repeated capability support - #1668
    • Changed

      • Addressed #1627 for attributes supporting the following repeated capabilities
        • channels
        • markers
        • data_markers
        • script_triggers
      • Corrected multiple mistakes in repeated capability info of attribute metadata
        • alters API behavior (repeated capability access of attributes) and documentation

Add Python 3.9, drop Python 3.5, and support 21.0 drivers

20 Aug 16:35
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  • ALL

    • Added

      • Support for Python 3.9
    • Removed

      • Support for Python 3.5
  • nidcpower (NI-DCPower)

    • Added

      • API parity with NI-DCPower 21.0.0.
        • Properties added:
          • output_cutoff_delay
  • nidigital (NI-Digital Pattern Driver)

    • Added

      • API parity with NI-Digital Pattern Driver 21.0.0.
        • Properties added:
          • digital_edge_rio_trigger_edge
          • digital_edge_rio_trigger_source
          • exported_rio_event_output_terminal
          • rio_event_terminal_name
          • rio_trigger_terminal_name
          • rio_trigger_type
        • Repeated Capabilities added:
          • rio_events
          • rio_triggers

Independent Channels support in nidcpower

09 Jul 21:08
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  • nidcpower (NI-DCPower)

    • Added

      • Support for independent operation of instrument channels. Creating an nidcpower.Session
        with independent channels allows you to use multiple instruments in the same session. With
        independent channels, you can configure multiple channels of the same instrument, or of
        multiple instruments, independently of one another within the same session.
      • get_channel_names - #1588
      • create_advanced_sequence_commit_step - #1636
      • API parity with NI-DCPower 20.7.0 by adding Output Cutoff functionality.
        • Properties added:
          • output_cutoff_current_change_limit_high
          • output_cutoff_current_change_limit_low
          • output_cutoff_current_measure_limit_high
          • output_cutoff_current_measure_limit_low
          • output_cutoff_current_overrange_enabled
          • output_cutoff_enabled
          • output_cutoff_voltage_change_limit_high
          • output_cutoff_voltage_change_limit_low
          • output_cutoff_voltage_output_limit_high
          • output_cutoff_voltage_output_limit_low
        • Methods added:
          • clear_latched_output_cutoff_state
          • query_latched_output_cutoff_state

nidigital 1.0.0 and 1.3.3 of other modules

02 Mar 16:44
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  • nidcpower (NI-DCPower)

    • Added

      • API parity with NI-DCPower 20.6.0 by adding Merged Channels and Shutdown Triggers support. The following properties are added:
        • merged_channels
        • digital_edge_shutdown_trigger_input_terminal
        • shutdown_trigger_type
  • nidigital (NI-Digital Pattern Driver)

    • Added

      • 1.0.0 release:
        • API reference documentation and API usage examples
      • API parity with NI-Digital Pattern Driver 20.6.0 by adding support for configuration of frequency counter measurement mode. The following properties are added:
        • frequency_counter_measurement_mode
        • frequency_counter_hysteresis_enabled
  • nifgen (NI-FGEN)

    • Added

      • example to demonstrate pulling a trigger from another device.
  • nitclk (NI-TClk)

    • Added

      • to demonstrate homogenous triggering.
    • Removed

      • as it did not do anything.