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137 lines (104 loc) · 4.79 KB

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137 lines (104 loc) · 4.79 KB

Requirement a

  • Input: array with 8 element which represent for queens.The queen can be placed or not.The queens which are placed must not attack each together. If element -1 is queen still isn't placed and element from 1 to 64 is at which place the queen is placed

  • Ouput: array with 8 element. Element -1 doesn't exist in this array and entire queens doesn't attack each together

  • For simplier calculation, i will convert element from 1 to 64 to 2 dimension array (x,y) most of time in the program. In this form. we can consider whether the queen attack other queens or not.
    For example:

    • element 9 will convert to (0,1)
    • element 12 will convert to (3,1)
    • queen at (0,1) attack queen at (3,1) because they are in the same row 1
  • Initial state can be [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1] or [4,10,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]

  • Goal state will look like [4, 10, 23, 27, 38, 48, 53, 57]. If we convert to form (x,y) and represent queens by character Q in 2d array, it will like this:

. . . Q . . . .

. Q . . . . . .

. . . . . . Q .

. . Q . . . . .

. . . . . Q . .

. . . . . . . Q

. . . . Q . . .

Q . . . . . . .

Requirement e

  • We represent state in the program by class State

One state will have unique id to find from the frontier, board to carry the input that i have mentioned above father is the state that generate this state, hvalue is heuristic value and gvalue is path cost

class State:
    def __init__(self,board: List[int],father:State = None):
        self.board = board = uuid4()
        self.hvalue = self.getHeuristicValue()
        self.father = father

        if father:
            self.gvalue = father.gvalue + 1
            self.gvalue = 0

My heuristic function will count the amount of the pairs of queens that attack each together (attack on row, column or diagonal). If a queen isn't placed, it will account 2 pair attack. The less queens placed, the less prior the state will. It will run faster at many circumstances but sometimes it also make the algorithm slower

class State:
    def __isSameDiagonal(self,firstQueen:Position,secondQueen:Position):
        boardSize = len(self.board)
        forwardPoint = deepcopy(firstQueen)
        while forwardPoint.validate(boardSize):
            if forwardPoint == secondQueen:
                return True
        forwardPoint = deepcopy(firstQueen)
        while forwardPoint.validate(boardSize):
            if forwardPoint == secondQueen:
                return True

        backwardPoint = deepcopy(firstQueen)
        while backwardPoint.validate(boardSize):
            if backwardPoint == secondQueen:
                return True
        backwardPoint = deepcopy(firstQueen)
        while backwardPoint.validate(boardSize):
            if backwardPoint == secondQueen:
                return True

        return False

    def getHeuristicValue(self):
        attackPairs = 0
        boardSize = len(self.board)
        for i in range(boardSize):
            if self.board[i] == -1:
                attackPairs += 1

            for j in range(i+1,boardSize):
                if self.board[i] == -1 or self.board[j] == -1:
                firstQueen = Position.getPosIn2DArray(self.board[i],boardSize)
                secondQueen = Position.getPosIn2DArray(self.board[j],boardSize)
                isSameRow = firstQueen.y == secondQueen.y
                isSameColumn = firstQueen.x == secondQueen.x
                isSameDiagonal = self.__isSameDiagonal(firstQueen,secondQueen)
                if isSameRow or isSameColumn or isSameDiagonal:
                    attackPairs += 1

        return attackPairs

To acquire successors, I find out the position which is column that has no queen placed. At this position, i will consecutively place the queen row by row. If size of board is 8, the maximum number of successors will be 8.

class State:
    def action(self,currentQueen:int,value:int):
        board = deepcopy(self.board)
        board[currentQueen] = value
        successor = State(board,self)
        return successor

    def generateSuccessors(self,initPos,currentPos):
        successors:List[State] = []
        boardSize = self.board.__len__()

        for i in range(boardSize):
            if self.board[i] == -1:
                for j in range(boardSize):
                    pos = Position(i,j)
                    successor = self.action(i,Position.getPosIn1DArray(pos,boardSize))

        return successors