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Releases: node-3d/deps-freeimage-raub

Release 5.0.0

01 Jun 18:21
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Updated dependencies and Node version.
Added MacOS ARM build.

Release 4.1.1

08 Oct 18:07
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  • Updated dependencies.
  • Switched from Jest to Node.js testing.

Release 4.1.0

08 May 16:26
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Updated the module dependencies.

Release 4.0.0

07 Jan 14:17
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Upgraded the GitHub build action and added Linux Aarch64 support. Now the binary archives are in GZ format.

Fix AT dependency

28 Nov 18:11
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Prevent errors caused by the missing napi module.

Update dependencies

25 Sep 17:04
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Updated dependencies and rebuilt with the current GitHub Action images.

Update Build System

06 May 19:12
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Rebuilt with GitHub Actions.
Added CI build actions for all platforms.
Updated to FreeImage 3.18.

Update dependencies

29 Aug 10:15
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Updated AT dependency.
Resolved vulnerability issue.

Allow Dependency Patches

23 Apr 06:57
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  • Allow patch releases for dependencies in package.json

Update dependency

20 Apr 07:46
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  • Update AT dependency to fix a vulnerability