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Counter App with Riverpod.

This project modifies the default starter app (in main.dart when creating a new flutter app) to use the Hooks Riverpod state management package.

Inspired by Surgach.

Hooks Riverpod is a state-management library that:

  • catches programming errors at compile time rather than at runtime
  • removes nesting for listening/combining objects
  • ensures that the code is testable


environment: sdk: ">=2.16.2 <3.0.0"
  cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
  hooks_riverpod: ^1.0.3

Adding a model class

Models generally handle the logic of an app. In this case, it is the state management class, and it represents the state of the counter. The model is called CounterModel and is used to display the current valye of the counter in the middle of the screen.

Adding a custom counter text widget.

The text which changes on the button tap is refactored into a separate widget, CounterTextWidget to avoid rebuilding the entire MyHomePage widget.

Adding a state management class

The state management class is called CounterNotifier. it extends the StateNotifier class. A StateNotifier has a single internal variable, state that holds the current state, an instance of [CounterModel]. An increment() method is also added to the state management class so an outside class can call increment to replace state with a new instance of CounterModel, whose internal count value is one larger than the last instance of the CounterModel.

Enabling Riverpod

In the main.dart file, wrap MyApp with a new widget ProviderScope.

Creating a global provider

Create a global provider using a StateNotifierProvider because the state is in a tateNotifier class, CounterNotifier.

Replacing StatelessWidget with HookConsumerWidget

CounterTextWidget extends HookConsumerWidget to use the ref commands provided by Riverpod.

Listening for state changes

  • listens for state changes in the provider which is the current instance of CounterModel. This also provides a reference to the notifier state, stored in the CounterModel.
  • Now when the state changes, the build method will re-run to update the new state.

Showing the new state

The Text widget can easily display the new state by calling counterModel.count as this contains the integer value of the state.

Updating the state

Similarly, the value of the Text widget can be updated by calling the increment method using

Testing it out

Tapping the + button only rebuilds the CounterTextWidget as seen from the debug console (thanks to the print statements).


For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.


Getting started with your first Riverpod project.







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