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Information Modeling: JADN and OpenC2

The OpenC2 Architecture Specification abstract defines the objective of OpenC2:

Open Command and Control (OpenC2) is a concise and extensible language to enable machine-to-machine communications for purposes of command and control of cyber defense components, subsystems and/or systems in a manner that is agnostic of the underlying products, technologies, transport mechanisms or other aspects of the implementation.

The OpenC2 Technical Committee (TC) recognized the need to define the OpenC2 language in an implementation-independent manner in order to achieve the project's goals, and created an information modeling language, JSON Abstract Data Notation (JADN), to support information modeling.

The IETF (RFC 8477) has attributed challenges in achieving interoperability to a lack of information modeling:

One common problem is the lack of an encoding-independent standardization of the information, the so-called information model. Another problem is the strong relationship between data formats and the underlying communication architecture.

Information models (IMs) are used to define and generate physical data models, validate information instances, and enable lossless translation across data formats. An IM defines the essential content of entities used in computing, independently of how those entities are represented (i.e., serialized) for communication or storage. While JADN was created by the OpenC2 TC, it is entirely general purpose in its design and can be used to create IMs for nearly any purpose. Examples of other possible JADN applications include defining:

RFC 8477 defines information and data models to clarify the differences (emphasis added):

  • Information Model -- An information model defines an environment at the highest level of abstraction and expresses the desired functionality. Information models can be defined informally (e.g., in prose) or more formally (e.g., Unified Modeling Language (UML), Entity- Relationship Diagrams, etc.). Implementation details are hidden.

  • Data Model -- A data model defines concrete data representations at a lower level of abstraction, including implementation- and protocol- specific details. Some examples are SNMP Management Information Base (MIB) modules, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Thing Description (TD) Things, YANG modules, Lightweight Machine-to-Machine (LwM2M) Schemas, Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) Schemas, and so on.

In contrast to the RFC 8477 hierarchy, a JADN information model is positioned within three abstraction levels, the highest being:

  • Logical Model -- A logical model defines the semantics (knowledge/meaning) assigned to things being modeled. Logical models are defined using languages such as the W3C Web Ontology Language (OWL).

JADN is based on Information Theory, which provides a concrete way of quantifying information that is explicitly independent of both semantic meaning and data representation. A JADN IM links model-defined semantic types with JADN-defined core information types, providing an unambiguous bridge between semantics and data. This supports implementation flexibility while maintaining interoperable information exchange across implementations.

A Brief JADN Overview

The JADN information modeling language was developed against specific objectives:

  1. JADN Core types represent application-relevant "information", not "data"
  2. A single JADN specification unambiguously defines multiple data formats
  3. The JADN specification uses named type definitions equivalent to property tables
  4. The JADN specification has a fixed structure designed for extensibility
  5. A JADN information model is data that can be serialized

The JADN core types are five primitive (or scalar) and seven compound (or structured) information types, along with a variety of options to refine the use of these types to model a broad spectrum of information. JADN models are organized as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs), and complex models can be broken into packages that are related using name space identifiers and links between packages. JADN models can also be programatically translated among multiple, equivalent representations:

  • JSON, the basic format of JADN
  • JADN Interface Definition Language (JIDL), an easy-to-read and -edit textual representation of JADN
  • Property tables
  • Entity Relationship Diagrams

More information about JADN can be found in the OpenC2 TC's Committee Note (CN) on Information Modeling Using JADN (the link is to the in-progress draft, which is substantially complete). The CN provides an overview of information modeling and the use of JADN for that purpose. Detailed specifics can be found in the Specification for JSON Abstract Data Notation (JADN), an OASIS Committee Specification (CS) published in August 2021. Open source tools to process JADN information models (abstract schemas) used to define OpenC2 content as well as other types of structured data, e.g., Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), and validate data against an information model can be found on Github in an OASIS TC Open Repository of JADN Software.

Information Models in OpenC2

Information modeling is used at two levels in OpenC2:

  • Definition of the OpenC2 Language
  • Documentation of the use of OpenC2 in context of a specific actuator, including actuator-specific extensions

OpenC2 Language

The OpenC2 Language Specification documents the language in a series of property tables, with supporting text explaining details or constraints as needed. For example, the following shows OpenC2's definition of a digital artifact:

OpenC2 Artifact Property Table

Underlying the specification's contents is a rigorous JADN IM, in which each OpenC2 information type is precisely defined (e.g., Payload and Hashes are compound types that are further defined elsewhere in the OpenC2 IM). The JADN for the Artifact type along with the definition of one of the linked types (Hashes) is as follows (in JIDL format for readability):

Artifact = Record{1..*}
   1 mime_type    String optional    // Permitted values specified in the IANA Media Types registry, [RFC6838]
   2 payload      Payload optional   // Choice of literal content or URL
   3 hashes       Hashes optional    // Hashes of the payload content

Hashes = Map{1..*}   // Cryptographic hash values
   1 md5          Binary{16..16} /x optional  // MD5 hash as defined in [RFC1321]
   2 sha1         Binary{20..20} /x optional  // SHA1 hash as defined in [RFC6234]
   3 sha256       Binary{32..32} /x optional  // SHA256 hash as defined in [RFC6234]

While this is a simple example, it illustrates several key points:

  • The use of both primitive (String, Binary) and compound (Payload, Hashes) types
  • The DAG structure (fields in Artifact contain both primitive and compound types)
  • Since the property table is created programmatically from the underlying model, the specification authors can be confident of its accuracy
  • Modifications or additions to the model can readily be added to the specification

OpenC2 Actuator Profiles

As explained in the OpenC2 Architecture Specification,

OpenC2 Actuator Profiles (APs) specify the subset of the OpenC2 language relevant in the context of specific actuator functions. ... A profile refines the meaning of language elements (actions, targets, command arguments, results) used to perform the actuator function, and often defines additional elements that are relevant and/or unique to that function.

An AP identifies the specific actions relevant to the actuator (i.e., cyber defense function) in question, which targets align with which actions, whether new actuator-specific targets are needed, and other information necessary to specify the OpenC2 interface to the actuator. Just as with the OpenC2 Language, APs are intended to be defined in implementation-independent terms so that the exchange of commands and responses may be supported using different protocols or transfer encodings while retaining a common and consistent meaning.

Developing an OpenC2 AP is begun by developing an appropriate IM for that AP, ideally using JADN. An AP's IM is both a subset of the OpenC2 Language IM (as not all of the actions or targets in the language will apply to any individual actuator) and an extension of it (as most APs need to define actuator-specific elements). A feature of every AP is the identification of supported action / target combinations to specify the set of commands valid for that actuator. As an example, the Stateless Packet Filtering AP includes the following command matrix (section 2.3, actions are across the top, targets are down the left side including an AP-specific target [slpf:rule_number]):

SLPF AP Command Matrix

As with the Language Specification, the AP is actually defined by its underlying IM, from which the command matrix is derived:

Action-Targets = Map  // Targets applicable to each action
   3 query            Query-Targets unique [1..10]
   6 deny             Allow-Deny-Targets unique [1..10]
   8 allow            Allow-Deny-Targets unique [1..10]
  16 update           Update-Targets unique [1..10]
  20 delete           Delete-Targets unique [1..10]

Query-Targets = Enumerated
   1 features

Allow-Deny-Targets = Enumerated
   1 ipv4_net
   2 ipv6_net
   3 ipv4_connection
   4 ipv6_connection

In fact, the development of the appropriate IM is the most essential activity in the creation of an OpenC2 AP.