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228 lines (156 loc) · 9.25 KB

File metadata and controls

228 lines (156 loc) · 9.25 KB



  • Fixed revealLeaf failing to focus the correct window.
  • If you are using the SliderComponent in your app, be aware, the behavior of the component has changed in 1.5.9. Now, instead of updating the value when the slider is dragged, it will only update the value when the slider is released. If your plugin was relying on the old behavior, you will need to update your plugin code to call .setInstant(true) on the slider. Note: Because setInstant is a new function, you'll also need to check to see if the function exists before calling it. This will ensure your plugin maintains backwards compatibility when being run on older versions of Obsidian.



There's a new callback function for plugins to react to when plugin settings (data.json) get changed on disk. This callback can be used to reload settings when they are updated by an external application or when the settings get synced using a file syncing service like Obsidian Sync.

New Vault.getFileByPath and Vault.getFolderByPath utility functions

The getAbstractFileByPath has long been a point of confusion with plugin developers. More often than not, you are looking for either a file or a folder. And you know which you want at call-time. Instead of using getAbstractFileByPath then checking if the result is an instance of TFile or TFolder, now you can just use getFileByPath or getFolderByPath to automatically do this check.

View.scope is now public

Finally scope is made public on the View class. This means you can assign hotkeys for when your view is active and focused.

New getFrontMatterInfo utility

There is now a canonical way to find the offsets of where the frontmatter ends and where the content starts in a file.


If your plugin saves attachments to the vault, you should be using getAvailablePathForAttachment. It will generate a safe path for you to use that respects the user's settings for file attachments.


We've exposed our helper function for setting tooltips on elements (setTooltip) as well as added a new progress bar component.

The FileManager.processFrontMatter function now also exposes the DataWriteOptions argument to be consistent with the other process and write functions.


We've made some changes to CachedMetadata to support Properties. FrontMatterCache is now no longer a CacheItem—meaning that it doesn't have a position. Instead, is it a Reference.

Another big change in v.1.4 is that frontmatter now supports wikilinks. If a value in the frontmatter can be interpreted as a link, it will be cached inside CachedMetadata.frontmatterLinks.


  • Updated the Canvas spec to indicate that colors can be stored in 1 or 2 formats:

    • as a hex string (i.e. "#FFFFFF")
    • as a number "1", "2", etc.

    If it's a number, this refers to the palette position. It can be themed via CSS variables.

Theme Changes

There are some new CSS variables related to canvas and callouts in 1.1.3+. All the extended palette colors now have an RGB variant that is used for callouts and canvas colors. The hex values are primarily used for syntax highlighting.

body {
    --callout-bug: var(--color-red-rgb);
    --callout-default: var(--color-blue-rgb);
    --callout-error: var(--color-red-rgb);
    --callout-example: var(--color-purple-rgb);
    --callout-fail: var(--color-red-rgb);
    --callout-important: var(--color-cyan-rgb);
    --callout-info: var(--color-blue-rgb);
    --callout-question: var(--color-yellow-rgb);
    --callout-success: var(--color-green-rgb);
    --callout-summary: var(--color-cyan-rgb);
    --callout-tip: var(--color-cyan-rgb);
    --callout-todo: var(--color-blue-rgb);
    --callout-warning: var(--color-orange-rgb);
    --callout-quote: 158, 158, 158;
.theme-light {
    --color-red-rgb: 228, 55, 75;
    --color-red: #E4374B;

    --color-orange-rgb: 217, 108, 0;
    --color-orange: #d96c00;

    --color-yellow-rgb: 189, 142, 55;
    --color-yellow: #BD8E37;

    --color-green-rgb: 12, 181, 79;
    --color-green: #0cb54f;

    --color-cyan-rgb: 45, 183, 181;
    --color-cyan: #2db7b5;

    --color-blue-rgb: 8, 109, 221;
    --color-blue: #086DDD;

    --color-purple-rgb: 135, 107, 224;
    --color-purple: #876be0;

    --color-pink-rgb: 195, 43, 116;
    --color-pink: #C32B74;
.theme-dark {
    --color-red-rgb: 251, 70, 76;
    --color-red: #fb464c;

    --color-orange-rgb: 233, 151, 63;
    --color-orange: #E9973F;

    --color-yellow-rgb: 224, 222, 113;
    --color-yellow: #E0DE71;

    --color-green-rgb: 68, 207, 110;
    --color-green: #44CF6E;

    --color-cyan-rgb: 83, 223, 221;
    --color-cyan: #53DFDD;

    --color-blue-rgb: 2, 122, 255;
    --color-blue: #027aff;

    --color-purple-rgb: 168, 130, 255;
    --color-purple: #a882ff;

    --color-pink-rgb: 250, 153, 205;
    --color-pink: #FA99CD;

v1.1.1 (2022-12-8 — Insider build)

Changes since v1.0

  • file-open event is now fired when focusing a Canvas file card.
  • Exposed the activeEditor on the Workspace. When a markdown view is active, this will point to the underlying MarkdownEditView. If a canvas view is active, this will be an EmbeddedEditor component.

With these two changes, plugins should be able to adapt to the new Canvas view quite easily. Custom views that react the the currently focused views will automatically respond to the user clicking on file cards in the canvas. If a plugin is currently accessing the Editor using the following approach:

let view = app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(MarkdownView);

if (view) {
    let editor = view.editor;
    // or
    let file = view.file;

Instead you can access the editor or file by looking under the activeEditor:

let { activeEditor } = app.workspace;
if (activeEditor) {
    let editor = activeEditor.editor;
    let file = activeEditor.file;

v1.1.0 (2022-12-05 — Insider build)

Changes since v1.0

New Metadata API

In anticipation of bigger improvements to metadata and frontmatter in Obsidian, we have introduced a new metadata API. It is currently defined as follows:

interface FileManager {
     * Atomically read, modify, and save the frontmatter of a note.
     * The frontmatter is passed in as a JS object, and should be mutated directly to achieve the desired result.
     * @param file - the file to be modified. Must be a markdown file.
     * @param fn - a callback function which mutates the frontMatter object synchronously.
     * @public
    processFrontMatter(file: TFile, fn: (frontMatter: any) => void): Promise<void>

To use it:

app.fileManager.processFrontMatter(file, (frontmatter) => {
    frontmatter["key1"] = value;
    delete frontmatter["key2"];

All changes made within the callback block will be applied at once.


  • setTooltip now accepts an optional tooltip position.
  • The size?: number parameter has been removed from setIcon. This is now configurable via CSS. You can add override the CSS var --icon-size on the parent class of your element to override the sizing (e.g. .parent-element { --icon-size: var(--icon-xs) } ) The following icon sizes are available out-of-the-box: --icon-xs, --icon-s, --icon-m, and --icon-l.
  • editorCallback no longer passes the active view: MarkdownView. Instead, it now provides either the MarkdownView or a MarkdownFileInfo object. This change allows for editor commands to work within a Canvas.
  • registerHoverLinkSource is now available in the API to register your plugin's view with the Page preview core plugin.

No longer broken

  • Fixed Editor.replaceSelection not working when run immediately after closing a modal.

Notable Changes

  • Added support for an optional fundingUrl field the plugin manifest This is a link for users that want to donate to show appreciation and support plugin development. It's displayed when your plugin is selected in the list of community plugins.
  • Added macOS calendar entitlements. This allow scripts run from within Obsidian to request calendar access.

v1.0 (2022-10-13)

Changes since v0.15.9



  • getLeaf can now be used to create a leaf in a new tab, a new tab group, or a new window. The preferred usage of getLeaf would be getLeaf(Keymap.isModEvent(evt)) where evt is the user's KeyboardEvent. This allows for a consistent user experience when opening files while a modifier key is pressed.

Notable Changes

  • Workspace information is no longer saved to the .obsidian/workspace file. It is now saved to workspace.json.
  • Added .has-active-menu class to file explorer item that received the right-click.
  • Added .list-bullet class to HTML markup for unordered list items.