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This repository contains an OCurrent pipeline for deploying the various other pipelines we use. When a new commit is pushed to the live branch of a source repository, it builds a new Docker image for the project and upgrades the service to that version.

The list of deployed services is located in doc/

The main configuration is in For example, one entry is:

ocurrent, "docker-base-images", [
  docker "Dockerfile"     ["live", "ocurrent/base-images:live", [`Toxis, "base-images_builder"]];

This says that for the repository:

  • We should use Docker to build the project's Dockerfile (and report the status on GitHub for each branch and PR).
  • For the live branch, we should also publish the image on Docker Hub as ocurrent/base-images:live and deploy it as the image for the base-images_builder Docker service on toxis.

The pipeline also deploys some MirageOS unikernels, e.g.

mirage, "mirage-www", [
  unikernel "Dockerfile" ~target:"hvt" ["EXTRA_FLAGS=--tls=true"] ["master", "www"];
  unikernel "Dockerfile" ~target:"xen" ["EXTRA_FLAGS=--tls=true"] [];     (* (no deployments) *)

This builds each branch and PR of for both hvt and xen targets. For the master branch, the hvt unikernel is deployed as the www Albatross service.

See for instructions about setting up a host for unikernels.

There are 3 different flavours of pipelines:

  • Tarides - existing Tarides/OCamlLabs pipelines on
  • OCaml - pipelines for deploying services.
  • Mirage - existing Mirage piplines on

Each pipeline flavour is connected to a different GitHub Application:

Testing locally

To test changes to the pipeline, use:

dune exec -- ocurrent-deployer-local --confirm=harmless --submission-service submission.cap \
                                     --github-webhook-secret-file github-secret-file \
                                     --flavour tarides -v \

You will need a submission.cap to access an OCluster build cluster (you can run one locally fairly easily if needed), along with a github-secret-file containing a valid GitHub secret for securing webhooks.

Replace ocurrent/ocaml-ci with the GitHub repository you want to check, or omit it to check all of them.

Unlike the full pipeline, this:

  • Only tries to build the deployment branches (not all PRs).
  • Doesn't post the result to Slack.
  • Uses anonymous access to get the branch heads.

You can supply --github-app-id and related options if you want to access GitHub via an app (this gives a higher rate limit for queries, allows setting the result status and handling GitHub webhooks).

Suggested workflows

To update a deployment that is managed by ocurrent-deployer (which could be ocurrent-deployer itself):

  1. Make a PR on that project's repository targetting its master branch as usual.
  2. Once it has passed CI/review, a project admin will git push origin HEAD:live to deploy it.
  3. If it works, the PR can be merged to master.

Add a new service

  1. Deploy the service(s) manually using docker stack deploy first.
  2. Once that's working, make a PR against the ocurrent-deployer repository adding a rule to keep the services up-to-date. For the PR:
    • Drop the key in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the machine where you want the deployer to deploy the container.
    • Add the machine where you want to have the deployments to the context/meta folder. eg to add
      docker --config config/docker context create \
        --docker host=ssh:// \
        --description="" \
    • The hash for the folder inside context/meta is generated with docker context create <machine_name>.
    • Add to known_hosts with ssh-keyscan of the host where you are deploying the service. eg
      ssh-keyscan -H >> config/ssh/known_hosts