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Julie Itsmejune
👋 self-taught Software Developer, 🚀 interested in startups🚀, 🍃 Computer science💻, Machine learning📊. Passionate about programming and XR/VR/MR🚀
Kunal Barve kunalbarve02
I am a aspiring Back-end developer . Highly motivated and passionate with a strong ability to solve problems and think critically.

Pune, India

ShantanuBorkar AlsoShantanuBorkar
Upcoming Flutter Developer


vineet khollam vk17-starlord
An aspiring Digital Product Designer and Developer with a knack for creating engaging User Interfaces and User Experiences for apps and websites.

rtcamp pune

Ralphy.Codes n33ck0
jack of all trades


hirong Runner2016

CNIMTE 浙江宁波镇海区