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Jiajing Lin lingjiajing
Student of xiamen university

xiamen university

EasonDrone HuaYuXiao
An automation UG student @ SUSTech, PG student @ UESTC, currently learning UAV planning

Southern University of Science and Technology Shen Zhen, China

The_Hurricane Hurricane1224

Beijing China

Hi, I'm Tianlong Chen(ocero,樱花) Nice to meet you

Harbin No.4 High School HeilongJiang China

栾金鹿 luanjinlu
不要用自己的嘴干扰别人的日子, 不靠别人的脑子思考自己的人生, 脸上就会多一些从容淡定的微笑。

吉利汽车研究院 浙江杭州湾

orsl personal-fork-robot
I love robotics!


Zhang Weifan ZHANGwf9luis
Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen Control Science and Engineering

Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen shenzhen

Sean TheSeanParker
A million not cool , a billion is cool!


Tipriest Tipriest
Interested with delicate hw and code designs, quietly working things and badminton!

HIT Harbin, China

苏家靖 SKLotus

同济大学 上海市嘉定区同济大学嘉定校区汽车学院

Chengkai Wu CK1201
Interests: Motion Planning, Mobile Manipulator


happymoon MoonUniverse
We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things,not because they are easy, but because they are hard.


BorisGuo BorisGuo6

Harbin Institude of Technology (Shenzhen) Shenzhen,Guangdong,China

YuHao Cao ZorAttC
Interested in 3D reconstruction and SLAM.

HITSZ ShenZhen

longlin li longlin10086
Simple is complex.

Shenzhen, China

Xu Zhengzhe ZhengzheXu

Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen Shenzhen, China

zhouzuhong Forrest-Z
A fake programmer
