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Niu NiuHuangxiaozi
I'm an undergraduate studying Computer Science & Technology at Jiuxiang River of Arts and Sciences. My research interests include systems and computer network.

A510 Internet Key Laboratory Nanjing

Hachey hacheyz
Undergraduate major in CS, mainly using C++ & Python, interested in AIGC, CV & CG

Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin, Heilongjiang, China

Max Ku vinesmsuic
You're doing what you love. Isn't that that enough? Isn't that that enough?

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Ren Xiao wyywwi
A student from HUST

Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan, China

Shengda Xu Auxotaku
I am a junior student at the School of Software, Northwestern Polytechnical University, currently exploring the field of multimodal video generation.

Northwestern Polytechnical University Xi‘an

Odemakinde Elisha Jesutofunmi elishatofunmi
AI engineer/researcher

@rectlabs Lagos, Nigeria

zy zsz00
AI, database, julia


DragonK atom-tracer
Sophermore in Nanjing University, majoring in CS and financial engineering. Enthusiastic in coding.

Nanjing, Jiangsu

Qianpu Sun Ridiculous-Sun
I am a student study in Tsinghua University

Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School Shenzhen

Yuanyang Zhang zhangyuanyang21
Multi-view Clustering, Multi-modal Learning, Computer Vision
Liang Shaofeng l-sf

电子科技大学 四川 成都

YICHUN Yang Ethanol-Y
School of Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing University

Nanjing University China

Simon Simonforyou

Nanjing university

JoshuaWenHIT JoshuaWenHIT
A PhD Student, nothing more.