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Elias Khallouk EliasKhallouk
Second year student BUT computer science at IUT Nord Franche-Comté. I want to become a data scientist
Robin SEGURA RobinSegura
Huge fan of open-source; Mesmerized by DevOps; SRE enthusiast; and Chaos Engineering maker !

Segura Automation Services Montpellier

Jeremiah Omueti jeremiahomueti
Currently building a housing solution for sub-saharan Africa's 300 million+ students and young professionals.
Antoine Augusti AntoineAugusti

@betagouv @mtes-mct @etalab Dijon, France

K'ETA ketacompany
Nous travaillons avec des inventeurs, des start-ups et des petites entreprises pour fournir des solutions «intelligentes» (Logiciel et Matériel).


Yann_dd1 Yanndd1

France Travail