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Guillermo Barrios del Valle AltamarMx
Researcher at Renewable Energies Instituto UNAM, data and technology enthusiastic

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Temixco, Morelos, Mexico

Kaison kaison428

University of Toronto

Reece fishcakebaker
Data Scientist. Physics PhD.
Geography adam-pope-arup

@arup-group London, UK

Masoud Ahmadipour Masoudahmadi7320
I'm currently working at Trustructure as a risk/resilience and structural analyst. I'm interested in python/MATLAB and their usage in risk and hazard analysis.

@trusructure Iran

Sylvain Estebe SylvainEstebe
Student in cognitive science


Sion liaosiyang
蒼い 蒼い あの空


Ko Tsuruta trtku
Architectural Researcher

Università della Svizzera italiana Paradiso, Lugano