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Jiho Lee DPS0340
Think Rust

@MondrianAI @SW-Maestro-OSS Seoul, Republic of Korea

Tony Li tonylizj
Computer Science Student at the University of Waterloo

Waterloo, Ontario


Osaka, Japan

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Simone SimoneN64
Firmware developer. Curious about emulation, low level hardware and graphics.


Motonori Nakamura motonorin

Kyoto University Kyoto, Japan

Connor Bell cjbell630
Any repository here that doesn't have at least one release is NOT ready to be used by anyone other than (and possibly not even) me, so please keep that in mind.
salmoonlight SalmonRunAround
Some guy researching Nintendo development hardware/software.
もよ memento-mogi


Kira Kawai ras0q

Tokyo Institute of Technology / @traPtitech Tokyo, Japan

crashRT crashRT
KUinfo (CS) | KMC 45th

Kyoto Univ. Kyoto, Japan

ryokohbato ryokohbato
Hi. I am ryokohbato from Japan.

Kyoto University Kyoto, Japan

ikubaku ikubaku
An unknown device.