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Omkar Bhilare ombhilare999
Electronics Enthusiasts. I'm proficient in circuit and PCB designing. I have a great interest in fields like FPGA, Digital VLSI.

@BeagleWire @PyFive-RISC-V @SRA-VJTI mumbai

Manas Pange Manasmw01
MS in Electrical Engineering at Columbia University, Interested in Computer Architecture, SystemC, Verilog, and Formal Verification

United States of America

Micha R. Okun, AC6Y ac6y

SLAC Lab Stanford, California, USA



Niko Lorantos nlorant-s

University of Massachusetts, Amherst Massachusetts, USA

Rajan Plumley rajanplumley
Science experiment

Physics Department | Carnegie Mellon University

Dongjae Shin dongjae-shin
Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford U & SLAC Nat'l Accelerator Lab

PhD in Chemical Engineering United States

Leah Hartman leahghartman
Your local nerd...who happens to be obsessed with Physics :D

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI

Saif Khayoon Khayoon
Coding = power

Zach Faris Ltd Toronto

Alex Reustle Areustle
Software Developer. NASA contractor for Fermi + NuSpaceSim

Baltimore, Maryland

Sam Morozov sammorozov
CyberSec / Web3 dev / ex-DS 🇷🇺


Dev S developr-99
Main GitHub: @developer-soni

SLAC NAL Stanford

Michael Ehrlichman MichaelEhrlichman

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Berkeley, California

Anilcan KARA anilcan-kara

Ministry of Justice Sydney

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Alex Lei alexvonduar

NVIDIA Shenzhen, PRC

Jeremy L. JJL772
Embedded systems software engineering

@slaclab SF Bay Area

Christina Pino christina-pino

SLAC National Laboratory

Sanjeev sanjeev-one
Founder of

Deap Learning Labs