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Bunesh Athankar bhuvi-ai
I'm an AI student with a passion for Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Virtuon AI Bhopal

weihao weihaoysgs
M.S at Zhejiang University

ZheJiang University

Leonardo Maglanoc LeoMaglanoc
Robotics Student Researcher at TUM and mentee at Siemens interested in building autonomous machine intelligence!

Technical University Munich Munich

interested in slam, automated driving, 3D cv

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai

M.Tsuru TsuruMasato
Humanoid robotics group, Toyota Frontier Research Center, Japan. Ex-member of AIST Humanoid research group with HRP2 - HRP5P. (JSPS DC2) Ph.D.(Osaka Univ.)

TOYOTA Aich Pref., Japan

Peixuan Shu shupx
Robot, UAV, swarm developer, PhD [email protected]

Beihang University Beijing, China

Gianni Hong kkpan11
Coder. Book lover. Enthusiastic cyclist. T1D.

Taipei, Taiwan

P Vinohith Reddy Vinohith
Robotics and AI enthusiast


Mona Borham SwEngin
Software Architect & Cloud Native Aficionado


爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

Frankie Dong Li DoongLi
I have found many problems but I have not found the answers yet.

University of Macau Taipa, Macau

Manh Ha Hoang manhha1402
Vision, Robotics, Graphics

NEURA Robotics Stuttgart, Germany

Rohit Menon rohitmenon86
PhD Student at the Humanoid Robots Lab, Uni Bonn, Germany

University of Bonn Bonn


HIT——>HITSZ——SUSTech shenzhen

Binbin Xu binbin-xu

Imperial College London London, UK

XuLei JiaoYanMoGu

Xiaomi Corporation

Stay Foolish

Technical University of Munich Munich