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Andrew Barth-Yi aebarthyi

University Of California Santa Cruz

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Lance LFletch1
Master's student at Texas A&M University
sameer gupta carnotweat

carnot Bangalore

Taekyung Heo TaekyungHeo
Senior HPC Middleware Developer at NVIDIA

NVIDIA Atlanta

Fabricio Asfora Asford987
Computer Engineer student at Instituto Militar de Engenharia

IME Rio de Janeiro / RJ

Ken Griesser kpgriesser
Director of Simulation, Tactical Computing Labs

Tactical Computing Labs

Nathan Gober ngober
Computer architecture, performance modeling, video production.
Jonas Svedas jonassvedas
The opinions expressed are my own views and not those of my employer.
Nathan Thomas nthomas99
Cofounder creating innovative software solutions for the power grid. Machine learning, C++, generic programming, and HPC FTW. Let's change the world.

SynchroSoft / SynchroGrid LLC College Station, TX

Michael Beebe michael-beebe
PhD Student

Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX

adedamola ayesoro Baoku26
Aspiring to become a full stack developer , ML engineer, and eventually a mixed reality developer ☺
