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Daniel Miranda ddanieldma
Systems Development Technician and Undergraduate Student

@FGV - Escola de Matemática Aplicada Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Zuilho Segundo ZuilhoSe
Técnico em eletrônica formado pelo CEFET/RJ, atualmente curso Ciências de Dados e Inteligência Artificial na FGV e Engenharia de Computação e Informação na UFRJ

Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Esdras Cavalcanti de Almeida wobetec
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence student. Code as hobby. I am open for new challenges.

Fundação Getulio Vargas - FGV Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Fabrício Dalvi Venturim FabricioVenturim
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence student at FGV - EMAp.
Luís Felipe Marques felipponn
I'm an undergraduate student in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Pleased to meet you!

FGV/EMAp Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Luiz Max Carvalho maxbiostat
Biologist by training, statistician by trade.

School of Applied Mathematics (EMAp), Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Yuri Faria yfaria
BSc in Applied Mathematics (FGV/EMAp) Full Stack Developer (mainly mobile) in BB

Banco do Brasil (DITEC) Brasília

Lucas Emanuel Resck lucasresck
MSc in Mathematical Modeling

Fundação Getulio Vargas @FGV-EMAp Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Pedro Delfino pdelfino
Lawyer and Applied Mathematician (education) working as a Software Engineer. I know, it is weird. Photo: São Cristóvão, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, Dez/2021

Toronto, ON, Canada