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orweis edited this page Aug 10, 2012 · 6 revisions

Introduction to Typeon

What is Typeon

Typeon is a Python package meant to seamlessly add 'compiler'/'lint-checker' checks to python, Along with enabling the usage of type safety. Typeon is written in pure Python.

Why create Typeon ?

Python is great! and I like many enlightened people love it! But some people, especially programmers that come form type safe languages have a hard time getting into Python, and basking in its glory. Typeon is meant to bridge that Gap. Also -

  1. Solve annoying problems even veteran Python programmers hate.

  2. Allow definition and enforcement of interfaces

  • Allow better team work on Python Projects
  • Break the dumb stigma- that you can't write big projects in Python.

How Does Typeon work?

In short AST manipulation. (More details to come)

Is Typeon, Pythonic ?

Yes, IMHO, even though type-safety/type-inference comes in contradiction with Python's Duck-Typing system; I believe Typeon manifests a more core aspect of Python, enabling user/programmers access to what they need with ease.
In my view, enabling with ease is on of the greatest aspects that make Python the powerful language it is. (More details to come)


'Typeon' is a play on "Python" , "Type" and "On".

#Does it support 'Python 3' ? Not yet. But it will easily- once we move out of experimental mode.

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