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Joel Messerli edited this page Aug 16, 2017 · 2 revisions

Server Names

Number Server Name Purpose In use
1 Triton Production
2 Proteus
3 Nereid Beta 🔵 (Planned)
4 Larissa Staging
5 Galatea
6 Despina
7 Thalassa
8 Naiad


Nereid (

Nereid will be hosting our beta environment. This environment should be handled like production, since it is customer-facing.

Changes will be deployed on pushes to master every few weeks (except for hotfixes etc).

Larissa (

Larissa is hosts our staging environment. This environment is deployed automatically on every push to develop and master and is therefore constantly changing.

This server is not intended to be stable and the database can be wiped anytime if necessary.