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Releases: oxalica/nil


07 Nov 07:16
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Snapshot release 2022-11-07

New features:

  • Initial type system implementation with inference.

    The design is a modified Hindley–Milner type system.
    Polymorphism is not yet implemented, and poly-lambdas like a: a
    would currently fail with the result ? -> ?.

    With the help of Attrset types, we can now support more completion

  • Type signatures are rendered in hover messages.

  • Field completions.

    Completions in both reference and definition sites are supported,
    when the type information is enough.

      f = { foo }@bar: bar.|; # -> foo. Reference site.
    in f {
      f| # -> foo. Definition site.

    It can also self-complete in let or Attrsets.

      some.deep.setting = 42;
      some.d| # -> deep


  • Force exit the server when the client process died. (Linux)
  • Enhance parser error recovery.


03 Oct 23:16
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Weekly release 2022-10-03

New features:

  • Multi-threading.
  • LSP request cancellation.
  • Report duplicated lambda parameters.
  • Goto-definition for non-Nix file paths.


  • Multiple workspaces now work well.
  • Mis-synchronization when creating new files is now fixed.
  • Suppress unhandled notification errors with VSCode and Nix IDE.


26 Sep 08:33
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New features

  • Renaming now supports names involving inherit.

    • Renaming identifiers inside inherit will change the definition, and
      foo: { inherit foo/* -> new */; }
      foo: { new = foo; }

    • Renaming identifiers outside inherit will change references.
      foo/* -> new */: { inherit foo; }
      new: { foo = new; }

  • Show documentations during completion for builtins.

    Currently only global builtins like map are supported.
    The documentations are generated from Nix at build-time, and some
    builtins don't have upstream documentations.

  • Hover. textDocument/hover

    • Show documentations for global builtins.
    • Show the kind of names, like let-bindings, parameters, or etc.
  • Syntax errors are now shown by default.

  • Custom diagnostics filter.

    See docs/ for more information.

  • Symbol hierarchy, aka. outline. textDocument/documentSymbol

  • File formatting via external command. textDocument/formatting


  • Contextual keyword or are now semantically highlighted correctly.
  • Parser error recovery is improved, and error messages are tweaked to be
    more helpful.


19 Sep 03:45
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New features

  • Semantic highlighting textDocument/semanticTokens/{range,full}.
  • Catch panics in request handlers and show messages to LSP clients.
  • Incremental change notification handling for textDocument/didChange.


  • Load only .nix files in workspace. This could speed up workspace loading.
  • Remove unmaintained ansi_term from dependency tree.

Initial tagged release

19 Sep 03:29
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Support renaming to strings