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NataliaRozengard edited this page Jul 18, 2018 · 2 revisions

Answers for the exercise can be found here


  1. Plot the brain activity in the MSIT neutral condition in a specific MNI coordinate.
    1. MNI coordinates: -12.03, -28.36, 43.63
    2. time point 846
    3. a threshold to the activity 3.62
    4. Check the value at the coordinate.


  • Where am I panel.
  • Activity maps panel.
  • Data in vertex panel.
  • Show hide brain panel.
  • Appearance panel.

A script that solves this question can be found here.

  1. Find the 3 regions that show the largest difference between the conditions and plot activity.
    1. Change the threshold to 1.
    2. Plot MEG labels of the condition difference at time point 1300.
    3. Look for the time window between 1240ms to 1350ms.


  • Activity maps panel.
  • Filter number of curves panel.

Deep Electrodes

  1. Plot the contrast between the conditions of all the electrodes.
    1. Find the depth electrode that shows the largest difference between the conditions at time 386.
    2. Select multiple electrodes on the same lead and inspect the signals in those electrodes.
    3. Plot the difference over all the electrodes at this time point.


  • Appearance panel.
  • Show Hide Brain.
  • Filter number of curves panel.
  • Activity maps panel.

  1. Search for an interesting lead of electrodes and explore the individual electrodes in it. Explore the location in space and 2d slices.


  • Filter number of curves panel or Search panel.
  • Electrodes panel.
  • 2D orthogonal slices.


  1. Inspect the 3 most statistically significant clusters and the 3 largest size clusters.
    1. The contrast of interest: non-interference-v-interference.
    2. T-value threshold: 3.
    3. Cluster size threshold: 300 voxels.


fMRI panel.

EEG+MEG Sensors

  1. Inspect the signals measured at the EEG and MEG sensors and compare between them (Both temporally and spatially).
    1. Inspect the two components at time 850 and 1240.
    2. Compare the components between the two conditions.
    3. Plot the topography over the sensors and compare between the same component for the two modalities.


  • Selection panel.
  • Show hide panel.
  • Activity maps panel.