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Colin27 exercise answers

NataliaRozengard edited this page Jul 18, 2018 · 2 revisions

A document with pictures can be found here

  1. At the ‘Where Am I’ set the MNI coordinates to: -12.03, -28.36, 43.63

    1. Go to the ‘Activity Maps’ panel and set the time to : 846
    2. At the same panel set the threshold to: 3.62
    3. Check the ‘Data in vertex’ panel and see cursor value
  • To have a better look on the activity go to the ‘Show Hide Brain’ and the ‘Appearance’ panel and set the desired preferences

  1. i. Go to the ‘Activity Maps’ panel and set the threshold to: 1

    ii. At the same panel set the time to: 1300

    • Choose the condition difference & press ‘Plot MEG Labels’

    iii. Go to the ‘Filter number of curves’ panel and change the ‘Top K’ to 3 then set the time from: 1240 to 1350

    • Select MEG time course and press ‘Filter MEG’
    • You can see here the top 3 regions
    • Overall view on the results of exercise 2

  1. For an easy view on the electrodes go to the ‘Show Hide Brain’ and the ‘Appearance’ panel.

    • Press the ‘Show Electrodes’ button
    • Press ‘Hide Left’ & ‘Hide Right’ buttons
    • Rotate the brain by pressing the mouse wheel or alt + left click if the mouse is not connected

    i. Go to the ‘Filter number of curves’ panel and change the ‘Top K’ to 1 then set the time from: 386 to 386

    ii. Press the ‘Shift’ button and right click on each electrode on the chosen lead (rotate the brain to see all the electrodes in the lead)

    iii. Go to the ‘Activity Maps’ panel and choose the ‘Conditions difference’ option then press the ‘Plot Electrodes’ button

    • To have a nicer view on the results go to the ‘Selection’ panel and press the ‘Deselect all’ button
    • For a better view you can go to the ‘Show Hide Brain’ and press the ‘Hide Subcorticals’ button

  1. i. Go to the ‘fMRI’ panel and choose the non-interference-v-interference option

    ii. Check the ‘Refine Clusters’ box

    iii. Change the t-value threshold to: 3

    iv. Change the cluster size threshold to: 300 voxels

    • Sort the list by the type of information you want to see

    • Press the list bar and look at the names of the clusters and their size