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Laravel Helpers



You can install the package via composer:

composer require permafrost-dev/laravel-helpers

Helper Classes

  • \Permafrost\Helpers\ModelHelper


  • Retrieve the first 10 models, and cache the results for 30 seconds. Repeated calls within 30 seconds will return the cached results instead of performing a new database query.
$models = ModelHelper::create(MyClass::class)
  • Retrieve all MyClass record id values and cache them for 60 seconds. This can be used during database seeding to siginificantly speed up the process.
// use the model helper class
$ids = ModelHelper::create(MyClass::class)

// or use a helper function
$ids = get_cached_model_ids(MyClass::class, 60);

  • Permafrost\Helpers\RouteHelper


Assuming a route defined as /products/{category}/{id} and named, return /products/books/123:

    //helper function

Helper Functions

    //get all ids for a model and cache the results; returns cached results if they exist
    function get_cached_model_ids(string $modelClass, int $ttlSeconds, int $recordLimit): array;
    //get all values of a column for a model and cache the results; returns cached results if they exist
    function get_cached_model_columns(string $modelClass, string $column, int $ttlSeconds, int $recordLimit): array;

    //get all values of a column for a model
    function get_model_column($modelClass, string $column, int $recordLimit): array;

    //get all ids for a model
    function get_model_ids($modelClass, int $recordLimit): array;

    //truncates text with an ellipsis, but doesn't return partially truncated words
    function str_tease(string $string, int $length, string $moreTextIndicator = '...'): string;

    //returns a relative url instead of a complete url
    function relative_route(string $name, array $parameters): string;

    //returns the value of a named route along with the provided parameters (see RouteHelper class)
    function routepath(string $routepath): string;

    //returns an array of the validated data
    function validate($fields, $rules);
    //returns true if the data passes validation
    function validated($fields, $rules);
    //creates a validator instance, accepting either array or string parameters
    function validator_create($fields, $rules);


./vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox


The MIT License (MIT). Please see the LICENSE File for more information.