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Releases: philippeganz/ALIAS

Version 1.0.1 - Bug fix

02 Aug 07:54
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Fix a bug in the main algorithm where results could not be written in fits format.
Some general loop optimizations.

Version 1.0.0 - First production version!

31 Jul 14:07
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This version is now production ready and has been validated as giving correct results.

Main features

  • Main algorithm now used connected components between steps
  • The Matrix class got significant changes and optimizations
  • A few memory optimizations
  • Solved a few bugs leading to wrong results in some cases

Future work

  • Optimize the Fourier transform, too slow for now to be usable for small size pictures
  • Add multi-picture bootstrapping capabilities

Version 0.6.0 - Bootstrap support enabled!

04 Mar 18:45
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Project has been renamed to ALIAS and is now almost done.

Main features

  • Main estimates are done and working independently
  • Bootstrapping is now available for computation
  • The main launcher now has a user-friendly interface
  • The project no longer supports the external Eigen library
  • Optimizations and bug fixes

Future work

  • Complete support for Fourier convolution, currently in alpha stage
  • Add MPI layer to allow distributed computing of bootstraps

Version 0.5.0 - First result without precomputed values

21 Jul 13:05
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So many lambdas!

Normalization and regularization lambda values are now computed from Monte Carlo simulations directly.

Main features

  • Monte Carlo simulations to compute normalization and regularization values
  • Bug fixes, optimizations and general code improvement

Future work

Complete the estimation of the beta values

Version 0.4.1 - Bug fixes and performance improvement

20 Jun 17:38
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Merge pull request #7 from philippeganz/dev


Version 0.4.0 - First working example on real data

02 Jun 19:11
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AstroOperator is alive!

Release showing a working example on Chandra data. Result is computed 16 times faster and with 6 times less memory than MATLAB. Difference in result is 3%.

Main features

  • Finalized the AstroOperator including tests
  • Many improvements in the entire project

Future work

Complete the main algorithm

Version 0.3.0 - Operators done and working

22 Apr 12:15
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Lots of operators!

Release to show the working operators.

Main features

  • Addition of many operators:
    • Convolution
    • Abeltransform
    • Wavelet
    • Spline
    • Blur
  • Many memory and multi-threading optimizations
  • New folder structure to reflect class inheritance

Future work

Combine the operators into the main algorithm.

Version 0.2.0 - Class structure change

10 Jan 12:02
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Class structure just got better!

Many improvements here and an important milestone for going on with the project.

Main features

  • New LinearOp class as base class for Matrix/Operator class types
  • DataContainer renamed to Matrix, meant to hold raw arrays of data
    • Added multiple matrix multiplication methods for better performance
    • Partial reshape of the class with many non-member functions added
    • Revisited many methods to make them make use of move semantics
  • New Operator class, meant to apply a transformation to a Matrix
  • Test suites now also provide performance calibration tools
  • General improvement and bug fixes

Version 0.1.0 - Working example of FISTA

29 Dec 13:43
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First release!

Purpose of this release is to show how FISTA is working.

Main features

  • DataContainer class, responsible for executing all matrix/vector operations
  • FISTA solver for Poisson noise
  • Test suites to validate changes