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Building the Application

Tyler Wong edited this page Nov 18, 2016 · 2 revisions

Here you'll find instructions on how to build Snaption.

  1. Depending on if you have used Android Studio in the past, the IDE may prompt you to install extra plugins and dependencies in order to build the project (i.e. Gradle Plugins, Android SDKs, Android Build Tools). Go ahead and install everything it asks you to. If you have installed everything that Android Studio has asked you to and the build still fails, go to Tools -> Android -> SDK Manager and install the following:

    • SDK Platforms/Android 7.1.1 (Nougat)
    • SDK Platforms/Android 6.0 (Marshmallow)
    • SDK Tools/Android SDK Build-Tools 25
    • SDK Tools/Android SDK Platform-Tools 25
    • SDK Tools/Android SDK Tools 25.2.3
    • SDK Tools/Support Repository/Android Support Repository
    • SDK Tools/Support Repository/Google Repository
  2. Once the project has been opened and all plugins and dependencies have been installed, try building the project by going to Build -> Rebuild Project. Hopefully it builds!

  3. Once the project builds successfully, go ahead and add your name to the bottom of this and push it to the repository to initiate a remote build.

  4. To push your new code change to the remote master branch, run:

    git add <Any files to be committed, "." or "-A" for all>
    git commit -m "<Meaningful commit message (Note the quotes)>"
    git push
  5. This push should initiate a remote build either on Travis CI and hopefully it builds successfully too!