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Git Workflow

Tyler Wong edited this page Nov 23, 2016 · 3 revisions

Here you'll find instructions on the basic Git workflow we should follow.

Basic Git Workflow

Every time you want to make a new feature, create a local branch off of the develop branch to start working on it!

git checkout -b <my-cool-feature> develop

Running the above command will create a new branch off of develop and automatically switch you to that working branch. You can now commit all of your changes for your specific feature like normal!

git add
git commit -m "Implemented the cool feature"

The above commands will add commits to your local branch.

Create a Pull Request

Pull Requests are ways that we can do code reviews directly on GitHub!

Once you have completed your feature, go ahead and push your branch to the repository:

git push origin develop <my-cool-branch>

After your branch is pushed to the remote repository, go find it in the branch dropdown and click New Pull Request. You can then assign the Pull Request to someone for review! Once it has been approved, GitHub will allow you to merge that branch.