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Project - Machine Learning Analysis of Train stations

  • Pierre Jézégou
  • Julie Oppedal


Understanding how many passengers use train stations and what features they have is important for improving transportation services. We’re using machine learning to analyze train station data and predict passenger traffic.

To start, we’re gathering data from reliable sources like the SNCF and INSEE websites to create a detailed dataset with lots of information about cities and train stations. Next, we’re cleaning up the data to fix errors and make sure it’s good for analysis. Then, we’ll use different machine learning models to try and figure out the best way to predict passenger traffic and understand what factors make some stations busier than others.

Overall, this project focuses on using advanced computer techniques to optimize transportation services by accurately predicting passenger traffic and understanding station dynamics.


  • project_proposal: first deliverable
  • main: final report

Project organization

├── requirements.txt
├── documentation
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── project_proposal.tex
├── data
│   ├── attraction_area_per_city.csv
│   ├── cities_statistics.csv
│   ├── frequentation-gares-raw.csv
│   ├── gares-de-voyageurs.csv
│   ├── gares-equipees-du-wifi-raw.csv
│   └── gares-pianos.csv
├── build-dataset
│   ├──
│   └──
├── Preprocessing.ipynb
├── dataRead_processed.pkl.bz2
├── dataset_preprocessed.csv
└── models
   ├── knn.ipynb
   ├── linear-models.ipynb
   ├── metrics.csv
   ├── randomforest.ipynb
   ├── sampling.ipynb
   └── svm.ipynb 
  • documentation: contains all the documentation files
    • explains how to build the dataset manually (without the CI)
    • contains the notice for the project, to reproduce the results
  • Build dataset
    • data: contains all the data files
    • build-dataset: contains the scripts to build the dataset
  • Preprocessing notebook and algorithms are located at the root of the project
  • models: contains the notebooks for the models


  • Install working environment

    • Install virtual environment (venv): python3 -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate
    • Install dependencies & libraries : pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Train the model

  • Use the model


Feature Description Data Type Number of Unique Values
city_name Name of the city string String
Trigramme Trigram of the city string String
drg_segment DRG segment string Categorical
geographical_position Geographical position string String
city_code City code string String
uic UIC code string String
postal_code Postal code string String
total_passengers_2022 Total passengers in 2022 integer Integer
total_passengers_and_non_passengers_2022 Total passengers and non-passengers in 2022 integer Integer
Total Voyageurs 2021 Total passengers in 2021 integer Integer
total_passengers_2015 Total passengers in 2015 integer Integer
total_passengers_and_non_passengers_2015 Total passengers and non-passengers in 2015 integer Integer
piano Piano string Categorical
power_station Power station string Categorical
baby_foot Baby foot string Categorical
distr_histoires_courtes Distribution of short stories string Categorical
total Total string Categorical
wifi_service WiFi service string Categorical
Unnamed: 0 Unnamed column string Categorical
city_label City label string Categorical
city_attraction_area City attraction area string Categorical
city_attraction_label City attraction label string Categorical
department Department string Categorical
region Region string Categorical
sum_municipal_population_2021 Sum of municipal population in 2021 integer Integer
non_scholarized_15_years_old_or_more_2020 Number of non-scholarized individuals aged 15 or more in 2020 integer Integer
main_residences_2020 Number of main residences in 2020 integer Integer
housing_2020 Housing in 2020 integer Integer
jobs_at_workplace_2020 Number of jobs at workplace in 2020 integer Integer
active_employers_2021 Number of active employers in 2021 integer Integer
hotels_2024_sum Sum of hotels in 2024 integer Integer
hotel_rooms_2024_sum Sum of hotel rooms in 2024 integer Integer
camping_sites_2024_sum Sum of camping sites in 2024 integer Integer
camping_sites_2024_sum.1 Sum of camping sites in 2024 integer Integer
other_tourist_accommodations_2024_sum Sum of other tourist accommodations in 2024 integer Integer