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Releases: pipan/migrator

window settings

29 Jan 18:07
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  • Features
    • Save windows settings. If you close application in full screen, it will open next time in full screen mode.
  • Bugfix
    • Selecting columns and indexes in table. When you create new column (or index) by clicking on "+" button, it will show edit formu and select this new column (or index) in table.

Database connection resource management

23 Jan 21:27
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  • Features
    • Performance optimalization - database connection resource management

Gui separation and optimalization

21 Jan 20:36
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  • Features
    • Securely store database passwords by encrpting it
    • Remember last commit message
    • Performance optimalization - less events fired when updating data from real database.
    • Performance optimalization - gui is not regenerated all the time. It's created once and then updated.
    • When creating new table, added CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for modified_at columns
    • Toast visual redesign
  • Bugfixes
    • Refresh columns and indexes when viewing tables. It will refresh internal table changes without needing to open table detail.

toast visual redesign

FLyway usable

09 Dec 21:21
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  • Features
    • Added automatic tests for library classes
    • Add primary key automaticaly and remove primary_index index when creating new table
  • Bugfixes
    • Flyway migraion file versioning changed according to standard
    • Flyway migration ignored default values in columns. Fixed.
    • Empty table name throwed mysql exception. Added condition to check for empty table names.

Columns a indexes refresh

06 Dec 20:21
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  • Bugfixes
    • Refresh created columns and indexes after running migration
    • Refresh columns and indexes list after opening same table multiple times

Phinx usable

03 Dec 19:45
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  • Features
    • Phinx migration will warn you if you try to save migration with the same name
    • Add bigint mysql format compatibility.
  • Bugfixes
    • New table is created with primary_index instead of primary. Index named primary was difficult to work with during running migrations.
    • Default value for column is not always '' but is null by default.
    • Create table phinx command disables id. You have to specify id when creating migration.
    • Tables with status created (green) where visible after running migrations and application show duplicates. Not anymore.
    • Phinx drop table generates command in ->table()->drop()->save() instead of ->dropTable()

Flyway support

26 Nov 20:55
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  • Features
    • Added Flyway support (with tests)
    • Loading cursor indicator and buton diable for longer actions (opening project)
    • Replace images in buttons with + sign
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed columns not changing names in index whene column name is changed in column form
    • Sentry logs errors in correct enviroment
    • clicking x in searhc clears and closes search

Error reporting

08 Nov 20:05
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  • Features
    • Added logging for database driver errors
    • Permanent toasts
  • Bugfixes
    • Agter changing database connection data, you don't have to restart application to be able to conenct to database. Data for connection are changed in real time.
    • If something bad happens, you can see entire error messages
    • Close buttons have images instead of x character
    • Application sends error reports to correct environment

MariaDb and PostgreSQL support

06 Nov 20:48
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  • Features
    • added support for MariaDB
    • added support for PostgreSQL
    • new table contains default columns (id, created_at, modified_at) and default index (primary)
    • rounded corners for cards, buttons and form elements
    • added auto increment column attribute
  • Bugfixes
    • deselecting indexes table row after selecting column
    • deselecting columns table row after selecting index
    • added tooltips for create project, create table, create column and create index buttons

Deploy all platforms

30 Oct 22:55
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deploy jar for all platforms