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license: MIT eleventy code style: prettier codecov

An Eleventy plugin to generate service worker. Using Google Workbox to generate service-worker.js based on your dir.output.


This is a fork of the original work of @okitavera in eleventy-plugin-pwa, providing up-to-date support with the latest versions of Workbox, Eleventy and other related dependencies (in order to use the latest features and advancements of these tools).


npm i @piraces/eleventy-plugin-pwa

Add to eleventy config file

const pluginPWA = require("@piraces/eleventy-plugin-pwa");
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {

Read more about Eleventy plugins

Registering Service Worker

// in your header templates
  if ("serviceWorker" in navigator)

Adding Web App Manifest

Read The Web App Manifest Guide


You can also pass workbox generateSW options directly into the plugin. For example :

// overwriting destination file and more
const pluginPWA = require("@piraces/eleventy-plugin-pwa");
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(pluginPWA, {
    swDest: "./build/sw.js",
    globDirectory: "./build"

Read more about it on workbox generateSW module page


This code is available under the MIT license.