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Problem Statement

Everyday while surfing the social media we encounter a lot of comments, reviews, tweets etc. that we believe might hurt the sentiments of the people of a particular group or a community. These comments are believed to be toxic in nature and can be categoried based on toxicity as - Toxic, Severe-toxic, Obscene, Threat, Insult, Identity_hate. This is a Multi Label Classification problem which means that a given comment may belong to more than one category at the same time. The aim of this project is to explore different aspects of Multi-Label classification and implementing those techniques to classify the comments on social media into various categories of toxicity.

Bird's eye view of project

  1. Getting Data: The dataset used for toxic comment classification is taken from Kaggle competition. Dataset has a large number of comments from Wikipedia talk page edits. They have been labeled by human raters for toxic behavior.
  2. Exploratory data analysis (EDA): EDA shows that the number of comments which were actually tagged were relatively low compared to the total number of comments in the dataset.
  3. Data Pre-processing: First converted the comments to lower-case, used custom made functions to remove punctuation and non-alphabetic characters from the comments and transformed words to standered form by stemming. Then used TF-IDF to remove stopwords and convert comments to numerical vectors, after spliting dataset into train and test.
  4. Appling Multi-label Classification techniques:
    • Problem Transformation Methods: Single-Class Classifiers used are Multinomial Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine and Random Forest Classifier. Parameters of these classifiers are tunned with help of Grid Search. Multi-label Clasification Algorithm used are:
      • Binary Relevance
      • Classifier Chains
      • Label Powerset
    • Adapted Algorithm: ML-kNN which is derived from the traditional K-nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithm is used whose parameters are again tunned with Grid Search.
  5. Comparing results and choosing best among them


After considering and comparing the various multi-label classification techniques on basis of accuracy score, we conclude that ML-kNN approach with k(number of neighbors)=7 gave best result of 90.8% accuracy score.


Multilabel classification of comments based on their toxicity.






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