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Probot & AWS Lambda example

This repository is an example of how to deploy the "Hello, World" of probot apps to AWS Lambda using serverless.

Local setup

Install dependencies

npm install

Start the server

npm start

Follow the instructions to register a new GitHub app.


In order to deploy the app from you local environment, follow the Serverless user guide for AWS.

If you use this example as a template, make sure to update serverless.yml and set new values for

  • service
  • app
  • org

Make sure to create the following parameters on

  • APP_ID

For continuous deployment via GitHub action, copy this repository's deploy workflow and create the following secrets:

  1. SERVERLESS_ACCESS_KEY - You can create a Serverless access key at<your org>/settings/accessKeys
  2. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - you will likely find your AWS credentials in ~/.aws/credentials

Debug via unit tests

  1. Intall nyc and mocha: npm install -g nyc mocha
  2. From the VSCode RUN AND DEBUG menu select Mocha and click the green arrow to start debugging.

Debug by launching probot locally and sending it a payload

  1. Point your GitHub app to your local using something like
  2. Copy .env-sample to .env and populate with values specific for your GitHub app. For the PRIVATE_KEY replace newlines with \\n to make the string value a single line.
  3. From the VSCode RUN AND DEBUG menu select Launch Probot and click the green arrow to start debugging.
