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DOT - Android Guidelines

Guideline for android developer in Distinction On Technology (PT. DOT Indonesia)

Table of contents🧾

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Please refer to this document to meet our style guidelines:

Always push your code into develop branch, and do a merge request into master branch after stabilize and refactor your code

Create your own branch for each feature of the apps

3rd Party Libraries 📖

Always use the libraries from these repository:

Package diagram

Java 🛠

Resource 🧱

Separate resource for each features

    ├─── auth (features name)
    │   │
    │   ├───  layout
    │   │    └─ Layout inside package
    │   │
    │   └───  values
    │        └─ String inside package
    ├─── main (main package)
    ├─── menu (menu package)
    │─── widget (widget package) 
    ├─── layout (layout that used multiple times i.e. partial layout)
    └─── values (values contains more than one time, tools i.e (lorem, image url), never used)
        ├───  attrs
        ├───  colors
        ├───  dimens
        ├───  other values
        ├───  strings
        └───  styles

Naming CheatSheet

Standard name declaration to collaborate with other

  • General Naming 🎉

    Type Usage Example
    Class PascalCase MainActivity
    Local Variable camelCase imageView
    Resource lower_snake_case activity_main
    Resource IDs camelCase ivMain
  • JAVA

    Variable declaration Order ⏳

    Type Prefix Example
    View (viewType ViewID) ivSplash
    Object (Object Name) network
    ViewModel --- viewModel
    Binding binding(Binding Name if more than one) bindingMain or binding
  • Resources

    Resource Naming Based 'WHAT'_ 'WHERE'_ 'DESCRIPTION'

    FIXED (btn, rv) LOCATION difference multiple 'WHAT' in 'WHERE'

    Layout ('WHAT_WHERE') 🖼

    Component Class Name Layout Name
    Activity MainBroadcastMessageActivity activity_main_broadcast_message.xml
    Fragment FragmentHome fragment_home.xml
    Dialog --- dialog_rating.xml
    Adapter ForumImageAdapter ---
    AdapterView item --- item_forum_image.xml
    Partial layout --- view_aduan_location.xml

    Layout resource IDs (WHAT_WHERE_DESCRIPTION) 🧲

    Component Prefix Example
    Button btn btnRegisterSignup
    TextView tv tvWelcomeTitle
    EditText et etLoginPassword
    ImageView iv ivSplashLogo
    RelativeLayout rl rlMainRoot
    LinearLayout ll llLoginRoot
    ConstraintLayout cl clSplashRoot
    TableLayout tl tlDetailSheet
    TabLayout tab tabMainNav
    ListView lv lvDetailMessages
    RecyclerView rv rvChat
    Checkbox cb cbLoginRememberMe
    ProgressBar pb pbRegisterUploadPercent
    RadioGroup rg rgInputGender
    RadioButton rb rbInputFemale
    ToggleButton tb tbControlVisibility
    Spinner spin spinEditProfileLocation
    Menu menu menuMainSearch
    GalleryView gv gvMainAlbum
    WebView wv wvMainPreview
    Bottom Navigation botnav botNavMain
    Library Layout lib libMainBotNav
    Custom Widget wg wgMainGridRv
    Layout Binding ViewModel --- vm


    Asset Type Prefix (WHAT) Example
    Action bar ab_ main_ab_login.9.png
    Button btn_ login_btn_send_pressed.9.png
    Background bg_ login_bg_dialog_top.9.png
    Dialog dialog_ all_dialog_top.9.png
    Divider divider_ all_divider_horizontal.9.png
    Icon ic_ splash_ic_star.png
    Notification notification_ login_notification_bg.9.png
    Tabs tab_ main_tab_pressed.9.png

    Icons (WHAT) 🎨

    Asset Type Prefix Example
    Icons ic_ ic_star.png
    Launcher icons ic_launcher ic_launcher_calendar.png
    Menu icons and Action Bar icons ic_menu ic_menu_search.png
    Status bar icons ic_stat_notify ic_stat_notify_msg.png
    Tab icons ic_tab ic_tab_recent.png
    Dialog icons ic_dialog ic_dialog_info.png

    Strings(WHERE_Prefix_DESCRIPTION) 🧵

    TYPE Location Prefix Example
    More than one features/package root all_ all_et_hint_name
    Menu title feature location menu_ fragment_list_menu_search.png
    action feature location act_ login_act_clicked
    error warning success message feature location msg_ network_msg_upload_success
    label root --- all_name
    view inside layout feature location view prefix_(tv_, btn_, et_) splash_tv_title login_btn_label, register_et_email_hint
    app_name gradle/productFlavors --- resValue "string", "app_name", "Dev"
    API ENDPOINT gradle/productFlavors --- buildConfigField "String", "END_POINT", "\"\""

    Gradle string Location is used for changed productFlavor i.e development staging production

Linking resources directories tutorial 📌

  • Set Hierarchy view from android to Project
  • create directory res-features in app/src/main
  • create directory for each features in res-features
  • Go to build.gradle app level
  • add this in the android section
     android {
        sourceSets {
            main {
                res.srcDirs = [
  • Sync project with gradle

References 🖥

DOT Indonesia


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