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Publicodes VSCode - LS

Report BugPublicodesThe VSCode extension

A VSCode extension providing language server capabilities for Publicodes.


  • 🎨 Semantic highlighting (based on the Publicodes tree-sitter grammar)
  • 🧪 Diagnostics (on save)
  • 📚 Code completion (keywords and rule names)
  • 💡 Go to definition
  • 🔍 Hover information (resolved name, current node value and description)

Recognized extension files are: .publicodes, .publicodes.yaml, .publicodes.yml

Syntax Highlighting Configuration

Your colorscheme needs to support semantic highlighting to have the best experience with this extension.

Here is the recommended configuration for the default Dark+ and Dark Modern themes. Simply add this to your settings.json (accessible via the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and typing Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)):

  "editor.semanticTokenColorCustomizations": {
    "rules": {
      "*.readonly:publicodes": {
        "italic": true,
      "*.definition:publicodes": {
        "bold": true,
      "namespace:publicodes": {
        "foreground": "#4ec99a"
      "type:publicodes": {
        "foreground": "#4EC9B0",
        "italic": true,
      "operator:publicodes": "#c7c7c7ad",
      "string:publicodes": {
        "foreground": "#CE9178",
      "string.readonly:publicodes": "#569cd6",
      "number:publicodes": "#e67f7f",
      "property:publicodes": "#569CD6",
      "property.static:publicodes": "#9CDCFE",
      "method:publicodes": "#569CD6",
      "macro:publicodes": {
        "foreground": "#9CDCFE",
        "italic": true

To run in local

  1. In your terminal, install the dependencies with yarn install.
  2. In VSCode:
  • select Launch Client from the drop down (if it is not already).
  • press ▷ to run the launch config (F5).