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pyamsoft edited this page Oct 17, 2023 · 5 revisions

Setup Your Device

See the dedicated page here

Capturing Developer Logs

To capture developer logs to help with crash reporting or debugging, see here

Find Current App Version

To view your current app version, see here

Always Alive Mode

Trickle works by watching your device's screen when it turns ON and OFF. When the screen turns OFF, Trickle places your device into the low powered Battery Saver system mode, which affects the entire device and is a standard Android OS feature. When the screen turns ON, Trickle moves your device back into the "normal" operating mode so that you can see things like notifications and background alerts.

Enabling the Always Alive option allows this screen on-off watching service to run all the time. This can help save battery in the long run, because Trickle can place your device into the Battery-Saver system mode when the screen is off.

Without this option, Trickle can be stopped by the phone's system at any time - even when the screen is off. This could mean that your battery is not being saved as much because Trickle is not around to help you. It could also leave your device in the low-power mode if Trickle stops "in the middle" of changing from one mode to the other.