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Migration Guide 2.9

Martin Kouba edited this page May 26, 2022 · 4 revisions

H2 upgrade

H2 has been upgraded from 1.4.197 to 2.1.210.

The new version adds several reserved keywords such as user, value or timestamp so you might have to adjust your model if you use any of these in your table or column names.

HTTP compression

HTTP compression settings have been made build time configuration so they cannot be overridden at runtime anymore. This allows for more optimizations.

Furthermore, not all HTTP responses are compressed by default. If compression support is enabled then the response body is compressed if:

  1. A RESTEasy Reactive resource method is annotated with @io.quarkus.vertx.http.Compressed, or
  2. A reactive route is annotated with @io.quarkus.vertx.http.Compressed, or
  3. The Content-Type header is set and the value is a compressed media type as configured via quarkus.http.compress-media-types.

NOTE: If the client does not support HTTP compression then the response body is not compressed.

Log rotation

quarkus.log.file.rotation.max-file-size is now set to 10 MB by default.

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