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Examines the progression of the gross revenue in the USA and the IMDB user score of movies which have won the Oscar in the category "Best Picture" and were released between 1986 and 2016.


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Progression of Revenue and IMDb Score of Oscar “Best Picture” Winners From 1986 Until 2016

Persistent Identifiers

The table below depicts the persistent identifiers that have been reserved for different purposes related to the project. The badges always resolve to the latest version available.

Data Object Badge
Source Code Repository
Source Code
(Including Produced Data)
Produced Data
Data Management Plan DOI
Data Management Plan


This experiment serves the purpose of investigating how the gross revenue (USA) and the IMDb user score of movies that were awarded an Oscar in the category "Best Picture" have evolved and fluctuated over the last three decades. More specifically, movies that were released between 1986 and 2016 are investigated.

It builds upon two data sources, one of which provide data about Oscar awarded movies. The other one is a compilation of general information about movies that are publicly accessible via the IMDb website.

When processing these datasets, the relevant information is assembled by "matching" movie entries from both sources. In the context of this experiment, two films are defined to be equal if and only if their titles and release years are equal.

Data Sources

The project is based on two publicly available datasets which are already part of the files in this repository. They are both available under the Creative Commons CC0 license.

Data Flow

Data Flow Diagram

Directory and File Structure

The listing below illustrates the directory structure of the experiment, along with its most important files.

Files that are prefixed with an asterisk (*) are absolutely imperative to executing the script and must be present at the specified location (relative to the root directory of this repository) in order for the experiment to be successfully conducted.

├── data
│   ├── * movies.csv
│   └── * the_oscar_award.csv
├── documentation
│   ├── data_flow
│   │   ├── data_flow.pdf
│   │   └── data_flow.png
│   ├── src
│   │   ├── awarded_movie.html
│   │   ├── index.html
│   │   ├── main.html
│   │   ├── movie.html
│   │   └── oscar_info.html
│   │── result_metadata.xml
│   │── visualization_description.txt
|   └── visualization_metadata.txt
├── result
│   ├── awarded_movies.csv
│   └── awarded_movies_visualization.png
├── src
│   ├── *
│   ├── *
│   ├── *
│   └── *
├── Dockerfile
├── requirements-doc.txt
└── requirements.txt
  • data: raw datasets that are processed
    • movies.csv: 6820 movies from 1986 until 2016 with attributes such as budget, genre, gross revenue, IMDb user score; data was scraped from IMDb
    • the_oscar_award.csv: records of past Oscar winners and nominees between 1927 and 2018; data was scraped from the official Academy Awards search site
  • documentation: files that provide additional information about the experiment
    • data_flow: high-level architectural overview of how data is processed, in PNG and PDF format
    • src: source code documentation in HTML generated from docstrings, index.html as entrypoint for the webbrowser
    • result_metadata.xml: EML compliant XML representation of metadata about the experiment (abstract, creator, description of output data, ...)
    • visualization_description.txt: textual documentation/description of the output diagram
    • visualization_metadata.txt: metadata about the image representing the output diagram (size, resolution, MIME type, modified date, ...)
  • result: represents the result ("output") of the experiment
    • awarded_movies.csv: the raw result data with the movies' release years, IMDb scores, and gross revenues (USA) as fields ("columns")
    • awarded_movies_visualization.png: a plot that depicts the gross revenue (USA) as well as the IMDb scores of the compiled movies in one line chart
  • src: Python source files that make up the experiment
    • bundles input data parsing, processing and exporting of results
    •,, model classes that are Python representations of data rows from awarded_movies.csv, movies.csvandthe_oscar_award.csv`, respectively
  • Dockerfile: a text document with commands Docker can read and build an image from
  • requirements.txt: a file listing using which the Python dependencies of the script can be conveniently installed
  • requirements-doc.txt: a file listing using which the Python dependencies for generating the HTML source code documentation can be conveniently installed

Running the Experiment

Option A: Local Python Interpreter

This experiment was conceived using Python 3.7. Any higher, backwards-compatible version and most probably 3.6 will also work without any problems.

Preparing a Virtual Environment (optional)

If you do not want to pollute your global Python installation with the dependencies of the main script, you can create a virtual environment that is local to the experiment directory.

Note: In the following, python37 is used to denote the executable of your installation of Python 3.7, but could - for instance - also be replaced by the (absolute path to the) executable of Python 3.8. On the other hand, python refers to the Python executable within the virtual environment

In case you don't have the virtualenv module installed or if you are not sure, enter the following command:

python37 -m pip install virtualenv

Next, you can create a directory within the experiment's root folder that will contain the virtual environment. Following common conventions, .venv or venv are good choices for the folder's name:

python37 -m virtualenv .venv

Above command(s) create a virtual environment containing, amongst others, a copy of the Python interpreter and the standard library.

In order to use the virtual environment, you need to activate it. The following table depicts how to activate it, depending on your operating system and shell environment:

Environment Command
Windows CMD .venv\Scripts\activate.bat
Windows PowerShell .\.venv\Scripts\activate.ps1
Unix/MacOS bash source .venv/bin/activate
Unix/MacOS csh source .venv/bin/activate.csh
Unix/MacOS fish source .venv/bin/

After activating the virtual environment, your shell's prompt should be prefixed with (.venv) and running python, pip and the like will execute the particular version of the Python interpreter the virtual environment is based on. On Unix-like systems, this can be verified using which python, on Windows with where.exe python (the .exe is only mandatory in PowerShell). The command should return a path to an executable within the .venv folder as top entry.

Note: When you are done with the experiment and want to exit the virtual environment, simply type deactivate (this command is registered upon activating the virtual environment) or - if that should fail - close the shell.

Executing the Experiment

Before the script can be executed, the required dependencies need to be installed:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally, the experiment is run by simply invoking the main script:

python src/

Option B: Docker

If you don't have Python installed on your machine or do not want to install another version (if yours should be too old), you can also run the experiment in a Docker container.

First, you need to build the image based on the provided Dockerfile. This can be achieved with the following command (don't forget the dot . at the end):

docker build -t omrsp:latest .

The command above creates a Docker image with the name omrsp:latest which contains the data directory, the src directory as well as the requirements.txt file.

Upon building the image, the correct version of Python (3.7) is installed, along with all the modules the script depends on, as specified in the requirements.txt.

Note: If you perform modifications to the source code and want to build them into an image without overwriting the original one, you can change the tag latest to any other distinguishable identifier of your choice.

There are two possibilities to execute the image as a container. They both achieve the same, but based on individual preferences, one might be chosen over the other.

Option A.1: Executing the Container With the Provided Defaults (Recommended)

This method is recommended for its simplicity.

Run the previously built image as a container with the name omrsp_container:

docker run --name omrsp_container omrsp:latest

The instruction starts up the container with the specified name and immediately executes the main script. After execution, the container exits automatically.

Note: In order to start the container another time after exiting, the start command is required instead of run:

docker start -a omrsp_container

(The -a flag, a shorthand for --attach, is required to start the container in the foreground, just like when running it with docker run.)

Option A.2: Interactively Running the Container and Executing the Script Manually

For the curious-minded people who prefer doing most of the work themselves, there is of course the possibility to interactively start the container:

docker run --name omrsp_container -it omrsp /bin/bash

(The -it flags, a shorthand for --interactive --tty, allocate an interactive terminal session into the container, with bash as the shell)

After starting the terminal session, the experiment can be run by invoking it using Python:

python ./src/

(If you prefer absolute paths, you may also call python /home/src/

Finally, you can exit the container with CTRL+D or exit.

Note: In order to start the container another time after exiting, the start command is required instead of run:

docker start -i omrsp_container

(The -i flag, a shorthand for --interactive, is required to start the container interactively, with the terminal allocated when running it with docker run -it.)

Retrieving the Result Directory From the Container

In order to copy the results from the exited container to the host, run the following command (don't forget the dot . at the end):

docker cp omrsp_container:/home/result .

This command copies the whole directory tree /home/result from the container into the current working directory on the host (the experiment's root directory), overwriting files that potentially already exist in ./result with the same filename (similar to when executing the script locally).

Deleting the Container (Optional)

In order to keep the system clean and tidy, one might not want to keep containers that are not actively used anymore. This can be achieved with the following command:

docker container rm omrsp_container

Deleting the Image (Optional)

Similar to the deletion of the container, it could be preferable to remove the image from which the container was created. The following instruction accomplishes this:

docker image rm omrsp:latest

Note: In order to safely delete the image, you should first remove the container.

Example Log Output

If the directory structure is correct and installing the required dependencies (or building and starting the Docker container) went well, then the output of a successful execution of the script looks something like this (taken from an execution via Docker):

Ensuring result directory "/home/result" exists...Done.
Filtered 31 oscar information entries from "/home/data/the_oscar_award.csv".
Read 6820 movie information entries from "/home/data/movies.csv".
Matched 31 movies with awards.
Wrote result of data processing to file "/home/result/awarded_movies.csv".
Saved plot of processed data to file "/home/result/awarded_movies_visualization.png".

Re-generating the Documentation

If you have made changes to the source code, you may want to re-generate the source code documentation.

Local Python Interpreter

In case you are using a virtual environment, make sure it is activated as explained in Preparing a Virtual Environment (optional). Subsequently, the module pdoc3 required for the documentation generation can be installed:

python -m pip install -r requirements-doc.txt

Note: There might be available newer versions of pdoc3 which are incompatible with the ~=0.9.2 restriction (e.g. new major versions). If pip fails to find a matching distribution, feel free to install a version that is more current than the one specified in requirements-doc.txt. In that case, however, the invocation required to generate the documentation might differ from the one given below due to a possibly altered command line interface - consult pdoc --help, then.

First, you need to change into the src directory because otherwise, pdoc is not able to recognize module imports correctly.

cd src

Lastly, trigger the re-generation of the source code documentation with the following command (don't forget the dot . at the end):

python -m pdoc --force --html --output-dir ../documentation .

This re-creates the documentation with --force (overwriting existing files) into a src sub-folder of the documentation directory.


Since image generation is quite fast, it is recommended to (re-)create the Docker image and container in order to avoid name clashes and other side effects that are related to an already existing container of this experiment. Hence, to be on the safe side, first delete the container (if there is no such container, an error message will be returned, which can be safely ignored):

docker container rm omrsp_container

To (re-)build the image, run the following command (don't forget the dot . at the end):

docker build -t omrsp:latest .

Afterwards, run the container with src as working directory (otherwise, pdoc is not able to recognize module imports correctly) and trigger the re-generation of the documentation:

docker run --name omrsp_container --workdir /home/src omrsp python -m pdoc --force --html --output-dir ../documentation .

This re-creates the documentation with --force (overwriting existing files) into a src sub-folder of the documentation directory within the container. If you encountered an error /usr/local/bin/python: No module named pdoc, then most likely the installation of pdoc3 failed during the image build. In this case, refer to the notes in Local Python Interpreter.

Finally, the generated documentation needs to be copied from the container to the host system:

docker cp omrsp_container:/home/documentation/src ./documentation

This command copies the whole directory tree /home/documentation/src into documentation within the current working directory (the experiment's root directory) on the host, overwriting files that potentially already exist in ./documentation with the same filename.

Example Documentation Log Output

If nothing went wrong, the output of a successful execution of pdoc looks something like this (taken from an execution via Docker):

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/markdown/ DeprecationWarning: SelectableGroups dict interface is deprecated. Use select.
  INSTALLED_EXTENSIONS = metadata.entry_points().get('markdown.extensions', ())

The deprecation warning is library-related, might not even occur on higher versions of Python (e.g. 3.9) and can safely be ignored.