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Reven Ferlian Erlangga edited this page Mar 3, 2023 · 3 revisions

Hi there 😀

  • Create your own repository.
  • Copy some file to your repo :
    • github/workflows/autocommit.yml : Script to auto commit
    • LAST_UPDATED : File to update commit
  • Change email and name
  • Change the scheduling time on file autocommit.yml, line 10. You can use Crontab Guru if you are not familiar with the cron schedule.
  • Generate your Personal Access Token and copy your token.
  • In your repository, go to Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions and click New repository secret.
  • Insert your name secret (required) and paste your personal token in secret (required) then hit Add secret to add your secret.
  • Consider to support me, at least hit the 🌟 button

Just for your information, the shortest interval you can trigger event workflows is once every 5 minutes and there is no guarantee that the workflow will run exactly at that time (Check this out). Iam recommend to your create crontab to running at different times to make sure your script is running.