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File metadata and controls

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Image Space


Image-space is simply telling what's going on around you. We encourage you to update your friends and relatives to find out what's going on and find other interesting accounts. Join the photo post and share all the moments of the day, from the most important to the fullest.



Services expect installed postgres service on default port with default credentials. If you want to change any of those properties, you can just update it in config-serivce resource folder.

Creating user and database in Postgres

> sudo -u postgres psql
postgres> create user root with encrypted password 'root';
postgres> create database imagespace_account_db;
postgres> create database imagespace_post_db;
postgres> grant all privileges on database imagespace_account_db to root;
postgres> grant all privileges on database imagespace_post_db to root;


For kafka initialization we use docker images of zookeeper and kafka. For start kafka just start docker-compose file in root project.

> docker-compose up


source-service includes reactive stack to integrate with mongoDB. For enable all features we need to setup mongoDB before start the service.

This methods will allow you to work with the sessions in mongoDB. For now it's working only from 4.0 and collections with replicas Next, we'll start mongod service using the command line: mongod --replSet rs0

mongod --replSet rs0 --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf --fork

Finally, initiate replica set – if not already:

mongo --eval "rs.initiate()"

Note that MongoDB currently supports transactions over a replica set.

For saving documents, before you'll need to create a collection in MongoDB, becasue operations that affect the database catalog, such as creating or dropping a collection or an index, are not allowed in multi-document transactions. For example, a multi-document transaction cannot include an insert operation that would result in the creation of a new collection. See Restricted Operations.

So before start service you will need to create collection in our table:

> mongo "mongodb://localhost:27017/image-space-source-storage"
rs0:PRIMARY> db.createCollection("source");
rs0:PRIMARY> db.getCollectionNames();
[ "source" ]