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CAS Overlay Template Build Status

Generic CAS WAR overlay to exercise the latest versions of CAS. This overlay could be freely used as a starting template for local CAS war overlays.


  • CAS 6.2.x
  • JDK 11


To build the project, use:

# Use --refresh-dependencies to force-update SNAPSHOT versions
./gradlew[.bat] clean build

To see what commands are available to the build script, run:

./gradlew[.bat] tasks

To launch into the CAS command-line shell:

./gradlew[.bat] downloadShell runShell

To fetch and overlay a CAS resource or view, use:

./gradlew[.bat] getResource -PresourceName=[resource-name]

To list all available CAS views and templates:

./gradlew[.bat] listTemplateViews

To unzip and explode the CAS web application file and the internal resources jar:

./gradlew[.bat] explodeWar


  • The etc directory contains the configuration files and directories that need to be copied to /etc/cas/config.
./gradlew[.bat] copyCasConfiguration
  • The specifics of the build are controlled using the file.

Adding Modules

CAS modules may be specified under the dependencies block of the Gradle build script:

dependencies {
    compile "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-some-module:${project.casVersion}"

To collect the list of all project modules and dependencies:

./gradlew[.bat] allDependencies

Clear Gradle Cache

If you need to, on Linux/Unix systems, you can delete all the existing artifacts (artifacts and metadata) Gradle has downloaded using:

# Only do this when absolutely necessary
rm -rf $HOME/.gradle/caches/

Same strategy applies to Windows too, provided you switch $HOME to its equivalent in the above command.


  • Create a keystore file thekeystore under /etc/cas. Use the password changeit for both the keystore and the key/certificate entries. This can either be done using the JDK's keytool utility or via the following command:
./gradlew[.bat] createKeystore
  • Ensure the keystore is loaded up with keys and certificates of the server.

On a successful deployment via the following methods, CAS will be available at:


Executable WAR

Run the CAS web application as an executable WAR:

./gradlew[.bat] run

Debug the CAS web application as an executable WAR:

./gradlew[.bat] debug

Run the CAS web application as a standalone executable WAR:

./gradlew[.bat] clean executable


Deploy the binary web application file cas.war after a successful build to a servlet container of choice.


The following strategies outline how to build and deploy CAS Docker images.


The overlay embraces the Jib Gradle Plugin to provide easy-to-use out-of-the-box tooling for building CAS docker images. Jib is an open-source Java containerizer from Google that lets Java developers build containers using the tools they know. It is a container image builder that handles all the steps of packaging your application into a container image. It does not require you to write a Dockerfile or have Docker installed, and it is directly integrated into the overlay.

./gradlew build jibDockerBuild


You can also use the native Docker tooling and the provided Dockerfile to build and run CAS.

chmod +x *.sh

2020-03-31 目标是可单点登录支持第三方无session认证(oauth) 1: explodeWar 把cas/build/cas-resources放到src/main/resources 2:admin/123456 密码不加密 3:jwt获取 http://localhost:8080/cas/oauth2.0/token?grant_type=password&client_id=client&client_secret=secret&username=admin&password=123456 4:帐号表(sys_user)登录以user_name为查询对象,找回密码问题(sys_user_question)应该用user_name而不是user_id,这个有问题,要做转换,最好代码实现这个功能; 5:生成的token为 { "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ZXlKNmFYQWlPaUpFUlVZaUxDSmhiR2NpT2lKa2FYSWlMQ0psYm1NaU9pSkJNVEk0UTBKRExVaFRNalUySWl3aVkzUjVJam9pU2xkVUlpd2lkSGx3SWpvaVNsZFVJbjAuLjdQT2tac2xNUUI1TTEtQTRxVm94bVEuYmJDQTBCWGVhbUNDNDBZdVhuLW1KMm1kUWVjaFFWNWV2SUpYMG9Wbk8wTHNPdXRCLWdORlNqM3Jib1c2djdrdzVKMUxOT00xR25pU1VGenlEY1kxRG51S25PQW96Um0wU0RmbWszclVibENicXJDbVFIUndkdUpBR2dpalZLczg1LXM0QVp0a003aGpndGtHaUd2VnhiSlFhV2NMVENDYUwxRTdLSnFsQTQ5UEZ1ZzYxVENVX1JwMXFvbDZwZHRYSTBqZ1dmN2hXc0RqU3dXZG1fdkt4eVZNcHhzd2k5MzdkWlloT24ySG9aQTRrd2tIWW03d3J5dFhkZU1TVnQwb3NBT3ZaMjN0aGpsajQtTWtkaHpMcnpqdjNCamlQY2hUTi01REdRNTk4Ty1Vb05zQndSdnJpT3V4YWVVT0VwcVgud3JJR0hXa2loRDl1VFFYSmJYUGRlZw.HbM3Q3dKhfafc8MJnLJn2hUYcdZdxi-dNkPUXfiuzU3wYOxeGANtQfr-uV3TxHhrwrp0tSI6wDXsxVnbHvsFnQ", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 28800, "scope": "" } 可转换成 {"sub":"admin","user_name":"admin","roles":[],"iss":"","nonce":"","client_id":"client","aud":"client","grant_type":"PASSWORD","user_id":"1","permissions":[],"scope":[],"claims":[],"scopes":[],"state":"","exp":1585740764,"iat":1585711964,"jti":"AT-1-EqlI-LmNKFRoo4WlcpOFdrCe3alv4rUa","email":"[email protected]"}


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