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The project contains 5 Modules:

  • api-ext - introduces the projects interfaces
  • api-int - introduces the projects internal components
  • bpjs-debugger - the debugger engine
  • service - manipulates clients and their running sessions - run/debug sessions
  • controller - responsible for the incoming HTTP/WS requests and messages

Running the CLI Debugger

  • under bpjs-debugger:
    • run

Running the server


  • choose both clean and install on maven tool window and run
  • under controller module:
    • run


  • cd controller
  • mvn spring-boot:run

Using the server

Base URL is localhost:8080/bpjs

Supported endpoints:

Command Endpoint Method Request / Params Headers
Run bpjs/run POST {sourceCode: String} userId
Debug bpjs/debug POST {sourceCode: String, breakpoints: int[], skipBreakpointsToggle: boolean, skipSyncStateToggle: boolean, waitForExternalEvents: boolean} userId
Add / remove Breakpoint bpjs/breakpoint POST {lineNumber: number, stopOnBreakpoint: boolean} userId
Toggle Mute Breakpoints bpjs/breakpoint PUT {skipBreakpoints: boolean} userId
Toggle Mute Sync States bpjs/syncStates PUT {skipSyncStates: boolean} userId
Toggle Wait for external events bpjs/waitExternal PUT {waitForExternal: boolean} userId
Stop bpjs/stop GET None userId
Step Out bpjs/stepOut GET None userId
Step Into bpjs/stepInto GET None userId
Step Over bpjs/stepOver GET None userId
Continue bpjs/continue GET None userId
Next Sync bpjs/nextSync GET None userId
Add / Remove External Event bpjs/externalEvent POST {externalEvent: String, addEvent: boolean} userId
Set Sync Snapshot bpjs/syncSnapshot PUT {snapShotTime: long} userId
Get Events History bpjs/events GET from={int}&to{int} userId

BP JS Framework