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Releases: rsdoiel/osf

License change

20 May 21:31
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Updated the license to be AGPL v3 or later.

Bug Fix

11 Mar 16:27
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Updated YAML mapping fix. The v0.0.6 is broken as a Go module. This release is to force a clean switch with YAML fix.

Maintenance release

09 Mar 20:50
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Updated code base to Go 1.22, added YAML annotations.

stable, inactive release

07 Aug 17:24
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This is a stable inactive release of the osf Go package which targets working with Open Screenplay Format files as well as Fade In files. It includes three demo programs txt2osf, osf2txt and fadein2osf.

go1.16 support

18 Feb 20:14
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Added go1.16 module support, switch to Pandoc templates for documentation, added experimental M1 compiled binaries.

Initial Release

15 Jun 05:45
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A Go package for working with FadeIn and Open Screen Play formatted files. Includes three command line programs demonstrating package - osf2txt, txt2osf, fadein2txt.