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351 lines (270 loc) · 11.2 KB

File metadata and controls

351 lines (270 loc) · 11.2 KB


BUILD Coverage Code Lines Of Code Technical Debit

nuxt generate is really sucks!!! We lost nuxtServerInit, dynamic routing stuff etc. We need a good alternative to deploy our applications to the cloud without VPS and SSL configuration.

This repository is created as a sample of using nuxt on firebase-functions+firebase-hosting and still SSR and has the nuxtServerInit functionality as active.

Firebase full password authentication (register, login, forget password, reset password), google authentication, twitter authentication, facebook authentication in nuxt.


See the Features for more functionalities

Profile Ligthbox Ligthbox view
Crop login register

Folder Structure

  • functions: source folder for firebase-functions
    • modules: Shared types and functions between front-end and back-end (firebase-functions and nuxt serverMiddleware)
      • types-module: has all shared types (enums, interfaces, constants)
      • handlers-module: has all express handlers. Also, has all backend services like firebase-admin and firestore
    • src: the source of the functions
  • src: nuxt application
|-- functions
|   |-- modules
|   |   |-- handlers-module
|   |   |   `-- src
|   |   `-- types-module
|   |       `-- src
|   `-- src
`-- src
    |-- assets
    |-- components
    |-- i18n
    |-- layouts
    |-- middleware
    |-- mixin
    |-- pages
    |-- plugins
    |-- server
    |-- service
    |-- static
    |-- store
    |-- types


Coming soon


  • nuxtjs - universal mode
    • dynamic profile page with username
  • typescript
  • local npm modules for shared types and functions
  • firebase
    • firebase-hosting
    • firebase-functions
      • performance configuration
      • the url same as hosting
      • dynamic sitemap
      • send notification to user devices
    • firebase-storage
      • profile photo
      • cover photo
      • upload single validated image
    • firestore
      • user collection
    • firebase-auth
      • firebase-auth password
        • register
        • login
        • forget-password
        • reset-password
        • send verification code
          • processing display when the button clicked
        • verify action with mail verification code
        • update password
      • firebase-auth google
      • firebase-auth twitter
      • firebase-auth facebook
      • link/unlink password authenticator
        • set password
      • link/unlink google authenticator
      • link/unlink twitter authenticator
      • link/unlink facebook authenticator
      • remember me
      • user custom claims
    • messaging (FCM)
      • send push notification
      • listen push notification
      • token
        • save deviceToken on login
        • remove device token on logout
  • buefy
  • nuxt-i18n
    • English
    • Turkish
  • vee-validate
    • integration with nuxt-i18n
    • custom validation for image
    • switch language by queryParam lang
  • SEO
    • Google meta
    • Facebook meta
    • Twitter card meta
  • redirect to next url after login
  • custom loading component
  • image
    • lazy load (vue-lazyload)
    • crop with cropperjs
    • lightbox with buefy/bulma
    • hover button on profile photo
    • square/round background image
  • privacy
    • Account Privacy: Make a profile public/private for other authenticated users
    • Followers Privacy: Even if authenticated users cannot see the followers
    • Following Privacy: Even if authenticated users cannot see the following
  • custom error page - simple
  • global notification
  • toaster notification
  • tooltips
  • force logout if token is invalid
  • dotenv
  • rxJS
  • share on social
    • facebook
    • twitter
    • whatsapp
    • email
    • sms
  • uuid
  • slug
  • better formatting
    • tslint
    • eslint
    • linting before build
  • backend contracts in an NPM package

Have a look Trello Board for more coming functionality

Prepare for build

firebase configuration

create project

create a firebase project on

update .firebaserc

update .firebaserc with the project created/owned by you

If you already have a project you can use it too.

firebase credentials file

This configuration is necessary for nuxt serverSiddle, If you use firebase-functions skip this step.

  • export the credentials files from your firebase project.
  • copy the file to server/config/firebase-admin-credentials.json

provider config





action configurations


development env

create a development branch and use that branch for development. Create a new project on firebase and setup development branch with the new firebase project

don't confuse yourself to work on multi-environment in one repository/branch

more: TBD


create .env file with below content or rename .env.template file


# axios config

# firebase config

Build & Run & Deploy

the root package.json has been created to manage build and deployment easily.

install dependencies (not npm install or npm i )

$ npm run install


This command builds and deploys firebase-functions from functions and firebase-hosting from src

$ firebase deploy

run locally with firebase

The following command prepares what are necessary to run the application locally. It builds src and function and generates the public folder.

$ npm run build

and then

$ firebase serve

you will see the links as output of the command

for local development

hosting on local and api on firebase

Firstly, deploy functions to firebase

$firebase deploy --only functions:apiApp

and then

be sure the API_URL configured as firebase-functions like API_URL=

cd src
npm run dev

hosting and APIs on local

It is possible to run the project as just a nuxt application. With the following instructions, firebase-function is never be in use

Ignore functions, just work on src

enable nuxt serverMiddleware in src/nuxt.config.ts
  serverMiddleware: [
update .env
and run
cd src
npm run dev



Please feel free to send a pull request. Welcome :)

  • you see a mistake ( excepted, totally my mistake :) )
  • you know a better/best practice
  • you can add more functionality
  • you found a bug
  • you think you have time to fix/implement a card from Trello Board



change language

strategy: 'no_prefix',

changeLocale() {
  this.$i18n.setLocale(this.$i18n.locale === 'en' ? 'tr' : 'en')

for the other strategy

<nuxt-link :to="switchLocalePath('en')">English</nuxt-link>
<nuxt-link :to="switchLocalePath('tr')">Turkish</nuxt-link>

Errors and fixes

nuxt Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': This node type does not support this method.

add client-only tag


npm dependency fixes

To list outdated libraries

npm install -g npm-check-updates

to update the outdated libraries

ncu -u
npm install