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Amaan Khan edited this page Dec 18, 2023 · 5 revisions

rtSocial is the lightest, yet smartest WordPress plugin for sharing your content on social media!

Download plugin from WordPress plugin directory ( Install and activate it your WordPress dashboard like other plugins.

You can find the settings of rtSocial plugin under Settings -> rtSocial Options. Choose required options as per the need.


rtSocial settings

  • Placement Settings - This setting will help you to set where you want the social-media sharing buttons to appear.

  • Button Style - Using this option you can specify your favorite button style.

  • Alignment Settings - This will set a default alignment for the buttons.

  • Active Buttons - This is the active set of social-media sharing buttons. Drag buttons around to reorder them OR drop them into the Inactive list to disable them. All buttons cannot be disabled!

  • Inactive Buttons - This is the inactive set of social-media sharing buttons. Drop buttons back to the Active list to re-enable them.

  • Hide counts - You can mark this checked if you do not wish to show the counts.

  • Twitter Button Settings - Using this option you can specify your Twitter handle.

  • Facebook Button Settings - Using this option you can specify a button style for the Facebook button.

How does it work?

  • Unlike other social sharing plugins, rtSocial does not use iframes instead it uses non-blocking JavaScript.

  • It uses a single sprite with all required images, hence eliminates the need to load images from the service provider’s CDN.

  • It's compatible with all WordPress Themes.

How to get Facebook Access Token

Facebook APP access token is a string that is used to identify applications and can be applied by the application to make graph API calls. Getting a token for Facebook app is absolutely free. All you need to do here is open Graph API Explorer and follow these easy steps:

  1. Go to Facebook Developer account: Picture 1

  2. Press Create App

  3. Select a suitable app category as per your need. For example, we are selecting None here. And press Next Picture 2

  4. Add app name and email address and press Create app button. Picture 3

  5. Go to and replace Graph API Explorer with the app you’ve created and select App Token option from the User or Page dropdown box as shown in the following screenshot. Picture 4

Once this is done, you will get the App Access Token.

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