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Subsystem SDR radar receiver

rueckwaertsflieger edited this page Apr 7, 2017 · 4 revisions

Radar receiver

As a Radar receiver two SDR based virtual radar receiving chains are needed. Two commercially available DVB-T USB sticks for ADS-B and Flarm reception plus one Raspberry Pi are the core requirement, nothing else. In means of Flarm reception the OGN receiver is known for having the best reception and price/performance value of all known Flarm receivers. The author verified a decent 10km range with a simple Lambda 5/8 antenna 4 meters over ground. With just slightly better antenna positions as well as antenna gain, ranges of up to 40km are easily achieved. The enthusiast could approach a receiving range far beyond 100km, but for the AMVR purposes this effort is out of scope.

Please do not compare reception ranges with most distant reception sample statistics on OGN website. An AMVR application definitely needs stable reception not singular far samples.

Concerning ADS-B reception, the choice is more easy, because ADS provides a tremendous advantage in RF link power budget with more than 40dB more than Flarm transmitter do. Theoretically this will gain a 60 fold range against Flarm regarding the free field attenuation only. Ample space for use as an airfield manager radar. Thus, any existing ADS-B SDR solution will do the job as long it will output a well documented sentences output for further processing. Following the development history, the Dump1090 fork, maintained by Oliver Jowett offers some advantages, discussed in detail underneath.

Oliver - developer of the mutability branch - has made some improvements in error correction compared to earlier implementations. This results in an overall reception performance.

Unfortunately, the other Dump1090 including the originator antirez have quit development. Not so Oliver....

Server functionality
In some situations no optimal antenna position may be realized. Therefor the keen AMVR builder could involve a second ADS-B SDR receiver. With feeding the primary machine with ADS-B datagrams from another receiving in from another dihedral angle, a 360 degree reception may be realized evne in difficult locations. Dump1090mutability is able to merge streams.

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