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Releases: run-house/runhouse


18 Jun 21:52
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[Alpha] On-demand Docker Clusters

This release adds support for using a base Docker image in conjunction with an on-demand cluster. By specifying the image_id field in the format docker:<registry>/<image>:<tag> in the cluster factory, the corresponding Docker container will be downloaded when the cluster is launched. The Runhouse server is then started inside the Docker container, ensuring that anything that goes through Runhouse will be run inside the container environment.

For more information on usage, such as setting up environment variables for using private Docker registries, please refer to the User Guide.

docker_cluster = rh.ondemand_cluster(

New Features

  • Docker cluster support (#803, #852, #830, #905)
  • Add support for running in a marimo notebook (#892)

Bug Fixes

  • Handle string system for package .to (#875)
  • Properly save config.yaml for default conda env cluster (#910)
  • Minor fixes (#874)


17 Jun 23:00
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This release improves autostop stability and robustness considerably, and introduces the ability to send an env or module to a specific node in a multinode cluster.



  • [bug] Make disable_den_auth actually sync. by @rohinb2 in #865
  • Move config.yaml creation to restart server() by @BelSasha in #868
  • Bump SkyPilot Version to 0.6.0 and fix remote SkyPilot dependencies on Start by @dongreenberg in #855
  • Consolidate periodic loops into one function updating Den and updating autostop. by @rohinb2 in #873
  • Fix cluster factory bug with den_auth clusters not being saved. by @rohinb2 in #878
  • Remove resource conversion check for secrets by @carolineechen in #881



Full Changelog: v0.0.28...v0.0.29


30 May 18:47
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runhouse status: Improving visibility into cluster utilization and memory consumption

Improved Cluster Status

Runhouse now provides a more comprehensive view of the cluster's utilization and memory consumption, providing more coverage over the true utilization numbers across each worker and head node of a the cluster.

Information surfaced includes: PID, CPU utilization, memory consumption, and GPU utilization (where relevant).
This data can be viewed as part of the runhouse status CLI command:

GPU Cluster

>> runhouse status
😈 Runhouse Daemon is running 🏃
Runhouse v0.0.28
server pid: 29486server port: 32300den auth: Trueserver connection type: sshbackend config:
  • resource subtype: OnDemandCluster
  • use local telemetry: False
  • domain: None
  • server host:
  • ips: ['']
  • resource subtype: OnDemandCluster
  • autostop mins: autostop disabled
Serving 🍦 :
• _cluster_default_env (runhouse.Env)
  This environment has only python packages installed, if such provided. No resources were found.
• np_pd_env (runhouse.Env) | pid: 29672 | node: head (
  CPU: 0.0% | Memory: 0.13 / 16 Gb (0.85%)
  • /sashab/summer (runhouse.Function)
  • mult (runhouse.Function)
• sd_env (runhouse.Env) | pid: 29812 | node: head (
  CPU: 1.0% | Memory: 4.47 / 16 Gb (28.95%)
  GPU: 0.0% | Memory: 6.89 / 23 Gb (29.96%)
  • sd_generate (runhouse.Function)

CPU cluster

>> runhouse status

😈 Runhouse Daemon is running 🏃
Runhouse v0.0.28
server pid: 29395server port: 32300den auth: Trueserver connection type: sshbackend config:
  • resource subtype: OnDemandCluster
  • use local telemetry: False
  • domain: None
  • server host:
  • ips: ['']
  • resource subtype: OnDemandCluster
  • autostop mins: autostop disabled
Serving 🍦 :
• _cluster_default_env (runhouse.Env)
  This environment has only python packages installed, if such provided. No resources were found.
• sd_env (runhouse.Env) | pid: 29716 | node: head (
  CPU: 0.0% | Memory: 0.13 / 8 Gb (1.65%)
  This environment has only python packages installed, if such provided. No resources were found.
• np_pd_env (runhouse.Env) | pid: 29578 | node: head (
  CPU: 0.0% | Memory: 0.13 / 8 Gb (1.71%)
  • /sashab/summer (runhouse.Function)
  • mult (runhouse.Function)


  • Cluster status displays additional information. (#653)
  • Polling den with cluster status data (#806)
  • Prevent exposing user Runhouse API tokens on the cluster by saving a modified hashed API token (#797)
  • Use env vars in default env creation (#798)
  • Login flow improvements (#796)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix undefined path when pip installing a folder (#826)
  • Don't pass basic auth to password cluster HTTP calls (#823)
  • Fix env installations that contain a provider secret (#822)
  • Refresh sys.path upon loading a new module (#818)

Docs & Examples

  • Update domain docs (#812)
  • Add default env section to envs tutorial (#810)
  • Minor improvements to parallel embedding example (#795)


08 May 20:30
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Custom cluster default env support and lots of new examples!

Cluster Default Env

Runhouse cluster now supports a default_env argument to provide more flexibility and isolation for your Runhouse needs. When you set up a cluster with the default env, Runhouse first installs the env on the cluster (any package installations and setup commands), then starts the Runhouse server inside that env, whether it be a bare metal or even conda env. Future Runhouse calls on/to the cluster, such as, rh.function(local_fn).to(cluster), and so one, will default to run on this default env. Simply pass in any runhouse Env object, including it's package requirements, setup commands, working dir, etc, to the cluster factory.

my_default_env = rh.env(
    reqs=["pytest", "numpy"],
my_conda_env = rh.conda_env(name="conda_env1", env_vars={...})  # conda env

cluster = rh.cluster(
    default_env=my_default_env,   # or my_conda_env
)["pip freeze | grep pytest"])  # runs on default_env


  • Introduce support for custom cluster default env (#678, #746, #760)
  • Start our own Ray cluster instead of using SkyPilot's (#742)
  • Exception handling for Module (#747)
  • Disable timeout in AsyncClient (#773)
  • Only sync rh config to ondemand cluster (#782)

Bug Fixes

  • Set CPUs for ClusterServlet to 0 (#772)
    • previously, cluster servlet was taking up 1 cpu resource on the cluster. set this to zero instead
  • Set den_auth default to None in cluster factory (#784)
    • non-None default argument causes the cluster to reconstruct from scratch (rather than reloaded from rns) if there's a non-None argument mismatch

Docs & Examples

See also docs and examples webpages.

New Examples

New Tutorials

  • Async tutorial in docs (#768)


26 Apr 16:25
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Fast-follow Ray bugfix


  • Start our own Ray cluster instead of using SkyPilot's (#742)


16 Apr 19:36
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Improved parallelism, clearer exceptions, and saving resources within Den orgs


  • Improve the thread, reference, and fault tolerance model for EnvServlet ray actors (#735, #733, #736, #734, #737)
  • Catch all non-deserializable exceptions client-side (#730)
  • Support for saving resources on behalf of an org (#676, #732)


  • Dynamically set API_SERVER_URL (#708)
  • Move OMP_NUM_THREADS setting into servlet to avoid setting it on import by (#731)

Full Changelog: v0.0.24...v0.0.25


12 Apr 15:10
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Fast-follow bugfixes for CPU parallelism and log streaming

Bug fixes

  • Fix ray persistently setting OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 (#723)
  • Fix method call log streaming by unbuffering stdout/err in call threadpool (#724)

Full Changelog: v0.0.23...v0.0.24


11 Apr 21:51
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Richer async support, performance improvements, and bugfixes


  • Client-side Async support (#690, #696, #696, #689) - We've improved the way we handle async calls to remove modules. Now, you can properly unblock the event loop and await any remote call by passing run_async as an argument into the method call. If your method is already defined as async, this will be applied automatically without specifying run_async so your code can await the remote method just as it did the original. You can still explicitly set run_async=False in that case to make the local call sync.
  • Improve Mapper ergonomics and docs (#700, #709) - Now you can simply pass a function to the mapper and it will send over the module and create replicas on its own. We'll publish new mapper tutorials shortly.
  • Cache rich signature for Module to improve method call performance (#699)
  • Don't serialize tracebacks in OutputType.EXCEPTION (#721) - Sometimes exceptions can't be deserialized locally because they depend on remote libraries. In those cases, we now still print the traceback for better visibility.
  • Unset OMP_NUM_THREADS when Ray automatically set it because it may break user parallelism expectations (#719)


  • Fix stdout and logs streaming in various scenarios (#716, #717)
  • Remove unused requests.Session created in HTTPClient (#694)
  • Change Caddy installation to download from Github (#702) (Sorry Caddy!)
  • Inherit Cluster READ access for resources on the cluster (#706)
  • Set the cluster name in the HTTPClient upon rename (#704)
  • Fix some runhouse login bugs (#717)
  • Make errors from Den include status code and be more verbose (#707)
  • Fix SkySSHRunner tunnels and processes to be correctly cleaned up (#718)

Full Changelog: v0.0.22...v0.0.23


02 Apr 19:58
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Performance improvements + bug fixes


  • Add to open_ports when creating new on demand cluster (#651)
  • Updates to Sagemaker Cluster (#654)
  • Change AuthCache logic to request per keypair (#684)

Performance Improvements

  • Cache various module/function computations (#661, #665, #662)
  • Async daemon side components (#656, #664, #673, #674, #670)
  • Use ThreadPoolExecutor to synchronous function calls on server side (#663)
  • Decrease log wait time (#685)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug with json serialization for exceptions (#655)
    • Update returned exceptions to be json serializable.
  • Use shell for running cmd in env servlet (#667)
    • Previously shell commands would not consistently work.
  • Fix cluster autostop (#672, #681, #683)
    • Change to correctly set and update last activity time and do it in a background thread
  • Fix multinode cluster ips (#681)
    • Cluster ips previously computed from cached ips and would incorporate stale ones. Update to use only current ips.


  • Add Llama2 on Inferentia with TGI example (#649)
  • Update Inferentia examples to use the DL AMI (#677)


21 Mar 21:33
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Some performance and feature improvements, bug fixes, and new examples.


  • OpenAPI pages for cluster (#579, #586, #587, #589, #590)
  • Properly raise exceptions in Module's load_config when dependency is missing (#595)
  • Kill Ray actors by default during runhouse stop (#596)
  • throws error if local server is not initialized (#597)
  • Send exceptions in data field (#602)
  • Run commands inside env servlet (#603)
  • Return exceptions instead of None in failed mapper replicas (#605)
  • Remove sshtunnel library dependency (#625, #634, #640)
  • Don't save cluster secret during cluster init (#633)
  • Remove creds from cluster's config file (#637)


  • Use check_server instead of is_up with refresh for ondemand cluster endpoint (#614)
  • Remove register_activity calls within env servlet (#629)

Bug Fixes

  • Install aws dependencies properly for runhouse[aws] (#613)
  • Fix env servlet name in put_resource (#626)
    • Env servlet was using conda env name instead of env resource name.
  • Fix SkySSHRunner local and remote port ordering (#630)


  • Remove previously deprecated items (#624)
    • reqs and setup_cmds in removed. Pass it into the env instead.
    • access_type removed in Resource and share. Use access_level instead.
    • global pinning methods removed. Use instead.
  • Deprecate and raise exception for passing system into function/module factories (#625)
    • Passing in system to rh.function/module does not send code to the system and can be misleading. Use .to or get_or_to to sync code to the cluster.


See rendered examples on

New Examples

  • Mistral 7B Inference with TGI on AWS EC2 (#585, #604)
  • Mistral 7B Inference on AWS Inferentia (#609)
  • Langchain RAG App on AWS EC2, with Custom Domain (#607, #621)
  • Llama2 on EC2 A10G (#608)
  • Llama2 Inference with TGI on AWS EC2 A10G (#610)


  • Add READMEs to GitHub (#612, #619)
  • Avoid reinstall for envs and extra imports in examples (#616, #618)