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Kara edited this page Feb 15, 2023 · 10 revisions

The Biome Compass plugin allows users to customize its behavior through the config.yml file. This file can be found in the plugins/BiomeCompass folder of your server.

Below is a description of each of the configurable options:

  • language: Language you want Biome Compass to use. This changes all log messages, texts and gui. Use the locale code of the language you want to use. Supported languages are listed in the Languages section on wiki.
  • cooldown: The amount of time, in seconds, that players must wait before they can start using the Biome Compass again after starting a search.
  • show_distance: This field controls the visibility of the distance indicator on the biome compass. If set to "true", the distance indicator will be shown, while setting it to "false" will hide the distance indicator.
  • custom_model_data: Custom Model Data number used to add custom textures to the biome compass.
  • experience_cost: This field specifies the amount of experience points required to use the biome compass. The value should be a positive integer.
  • money_cost: This field specifies the amount of money required to use the biome compass. The value should be a positive decimal number. The money cost is only applicable if the Vault API is available and configured correctly on the server.
  • resolution: The resolution of the search grid used by the Biome Compass. Higher values will result in more accurate searches, but will also take longer.
  • radius: The maximum distance, in blocks, that the Biome Compass will search for the selected biome.
  • cache_size: The maximum number of search queries made in 256x256 areas that will be cached.
  • biomes: Enable or disable specific biomes in the compass GUI by setting the corresponding value to "true" or "false". This allows them to customize the available biomes for players to select from in the compass GUI.

To customize the behavior of the Biome Compass, edit the values in the config.yml file and save the changes. You will need to reload the server for the plugin to pick up the new configuration.

Here is the default config.yml file:

# Biome Compass v1.3.0 Configuration File
# Check wiki to learn more

language: en_us
cooldown: 5
show_distance: true
custom_model_data: 10918

experience_cost: 64
money_cost: 0.0

resolution: 32
radius: 6400
cache_size: 100

  ocean: true
  plains: true
  desert: true
  windswept_hills: true
  forest: true
  taiga: true
  swamp: true
  mangrove_swamp: true
  river: true
  frozen_ocean: true
  frozen_river: true
  snowy_plains: true
  mushroom_fields: true
  beach: true
  jungle: true
  sparse_jungle: true
  deep_ocean: true
  stony_shore: true
  snowy_beach: true
  birch_forest: true
  dark_forest: true
  snowy_taiga: true
  old_growth_pine_taiga: true
  windswept_forest: true
  savanna: true
  savanna_plateau: true
  badlands: true
  wooded_badlands: true
  warm_ocean: true
  lukewarm_ocean: true
  cold_ocean: true
  deep_lukewarm_ocean: true
  deep_cold_ocean: true
  deep_frozen_ocean: true
  sunflower_plains: true
  windswept_gravelly_hills: true
  flower_forest: true
  ice_spikes: true
  old_growth_birch_forest: true
  old_growth_spruce_taiga: true
  windswept_savanna: true
  eroded_badlands: true
  bamboo_jungle: true
  meadow: true
  grove: true
  snowy_slopes: true
  frozen_peaks: true
  jagged_peaks: true
  stony_peaks: true
  dripstone_caves: true
  lush_caves: true
  deep_dark: true
  nether_wastes: true
  soul_sand_valley: true
  crimson_forest: true
  warped_forest: true
  basalt_deltas: true
  the_end: true
  small_end_islands: true
  end_midlands: true
  end_highlands: true
  end_barrens: true
  the_void: false

Note that the values in the example file are just suggestions, and you can use any values that you feel are appropriate for your server. These default parameters are copied from vanilla /locate biome command.

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