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Crafting a Biome Compass

rusthero edited this page Dec 17, 2022 · 5 revisions

Before you can start using the Biome Compass to navigate to specific biomes, you will need to craft one. To craft a Biome Compass, you will need the following materials:

  • 1 Water Bucket
  • 1 Lava Bucket
  • 1 Dirt
  • 1 Stone
  • 1 Netherrack
  • 1 End Stone
  • 1 Snowball
  • 1 Poppy
  • 1 Compass


To craft a Biome Compass, follow these steps:

  1. Open your crafting table.
  2. Place the Water Bucket in the top left corner of the crafting grid.
  3. Place the Snowball in the top right corner of the crafting grid.
  4. Place the Compass in the center of the crafting grid.
  5. Place the Poppy in the bottom left corner of the crafting grid.
  6. Place the Netherrack in the bottom center of the crafting grid.
  7. Place the Lava Bucket in the bottom right corner of the crafting grid.
  8. Place the End Stone in the top center of the crafting grid.
  9. Place the Dirt in the middle left of the crafting grid.
  10. Place the Stone in the middle right of the crafting grid.
  11. The Biome Compass will appear in the result box on the right.

With the Biome Compass crafted, you are now ready to use it to navigate to specific biomes in any dimension. To learn more about how to use the Biome Compass, see the Using the Biome Compass page in the wiki.

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