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Treasury API Third Party PHP Package

license release

using Treasury API v2.2, please make sure Treasury API version you gonna use and read API procedure below for flow of registration and transaction.


Install package with composer by following command:

composer require ryuamy/trs-emas-php

Call Package

Add following code on your project:

use Ryuamy\TrsEmas;


TrsEmas\Class::function( $productionFlag, $bodyParameters, $token );

Parameters detail:

  • $productionFlag: if set to true, package will hit Treasury production API, false to hit Treasury staging API. Mandatory on all class.
  • $bodyParameters: request body parameter. Optional on some Class.
  • $token: bearer token from client login (for User Register) or user login (for the rest of API). Optional on some class.

Look at example to see parameter requirement on each class.



Client Login

$bodyParameters = [
    'client_id' => '(Treasury client id)',
    'client_secret' => '(Treasury client secret)',

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Authentication::loginClient( true, $bodyParameters );

User Register

$bodyParameters = [
    'name' => 'Ryu Amy',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'password' => '(My Password)',
    'password_confirmation' => '(My Password)',
    'gender' => 'female',
    'birthday' => '1991-01-01',
    'referral_code' => '',
    'phone' => '081312345678',
    'security_question' => 'KQxz9YXazA14VEO',
    'security_question_answer' => 'Sebastian Michaelis',
    'selfie_scan' => '/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAEBAQ...',
    'id_card_scan' => '/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAEBAQ...',
    'owner_name' => 'Ryu Amy',
    'account_number' => '123456',
    'bank_code' => 'string',
    'branch' => 'Jakarta',
    'customer_concern' => false

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Authentication::register( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );


User Login

$bodyParameters = [
    'client_id' => '(Treasury client id)',
    'client_secret' => '(Treasury client secret)',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'password' => '(My Password)',

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Authentication::login( true, $bodyParameters );


Gold Rate

$bodyParameters = [
    'start_date' => '2021-03-03 09:00:00',
    'end_date' => '2021-03-03 10:00:00'

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Transaction::goldRate( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );

Calculate Buy Amount Type Currency

$bodyParameters = [
    'amount_type' => 'currency',
    'amount' => 400000,
    'payment_method' => 'bca',

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Transaction::calculateBuy( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );

Calculate Buy Amount Type Gold

$bodyParameters = [
    'amount_type' => 'gold',
    'amount' => 0.582,
    'payment_method' => 'bca',

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Transaction::calculateBuy( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );

Calculate Sell Amount Type Currency

$bodyParameters = [
    'amount_type' => 'currency',
    'amount' => 50000,

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Transaction::calculateSell( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );

Calculate Sell Amount Type Gold

$bodyParameters = [
    'amount_type' => 'gold',
    'amount' => 0.015,

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Transaction::calculateSell( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );

Calculate Buy Amount Type Currency For Partner

$bodyParameters = [
    'amount_type' => 'currency',
    'amount' => 400000,

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Transaction::calculateBuyPartner( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );

Calculate Buy Amount Type Gold For Partner

$bodyParameters = [
    'amount_type' => 'gold',
    'amount' => 0.582,

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Transaction::calculateBuyPartner( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );

Calculate Sell Amount Type Currency For Partner

$bodyParameters = [
    'amount_type' => 'currency',
    'amount' => 50000,

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Transaction::calculateSellPartner( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );

Calculate Sell Amount Type Gold For Partner

$bodyParameters = [
    'amount_type' => 'gold',
    'amount' => 0.015,

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Transaction::calculateSellPartner( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );

Payment Method

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Transaction::paymentMethod( true, '(Bearer Token)' );

Buy Gold

$bodyParameters = [
    'unit' => 1.8766253,
    'total' => 796169,
    'payment_channel' => 'BRIN',
    'latitude' => '-6.914744',
    'longitude' => '107.609810'

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Transaction::buy( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );

Buy Gold For Partner

$bodyParameters = [
    'invoice_number' => 'TRS42154451',
    'unit' => 1.8766253,
    'total' => 796169,
    'payment_channel' => 'BRIN',
    'latitude' => '-6.914744',
    'longitude' => '107.609810'

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Transaction::buyPartner( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );

Apply Voucer Buy Gold

$bodyParameters = [
    'code' => 'TRSVCR1',

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Transaction::applyVoucher( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );

Payment Notify For Partner

$bodyParameters = [
    'invoice_number' => 'TRS42154451',
    'payment_note' => 'Payment to BRI'

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Transaction::paymentNotify( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );

Sell Gold

$bodyParameters = [
    'total' => 31587,
    'unit' => 0.0432,
    'latitude' => '-6.914744',
    'longitude' => '107.609810'

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Transaction::sell( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );


Minting Partner

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Minting::mintingPartner( true, '(Bearer Token)' );

Minting Fee

$bodyParameters = [
    'minting_partner' => 'x6A3lOoJXL59zDd'

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Minting::mintingFee( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );


Minting Piece

$bodyParameters = [
    'minting_partner' => 'x6A3lOoJXL59zDd'

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Minting::mintingPiece( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );


Minting Shipping

$bodyParameters = [
    'minting_partner' => 'x6A3lOoJXL59zDd'

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Minting::mintingShipping( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );


Calculate Minting

$bodyParameters = [
    'minting_partner' => 'x6A3lOoJXL59zDd',
    'minting_fee' => 'JGYPjrXW7XDw2mE',
    'minting_piece' => 'KQxz9YXazA14VEO',
    'minting_shipping' => '7Jb1VXLrzpm69xv'

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Minting::calculateMinting( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );


Gold Minting

$bodyParameters = [
    'minting_partner' => 'x6A3lOoJXL59zDd',
    'minting_fee' => 'JGYPjrXW7XDw2mE',
    'minting_piece' => 'KQxz9YXazA14VEO',
    'minting_shipping' => '7Jb1VXLrzpm69xv',
    'shipping_address' => 'Jalan Prapanca, Jakarta Selatan',
    'payment_channel' => 'BRIN',
    'latitude' => '-6.914744',
    'longitude' => '107.609810',

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Minting::goldMinting( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );

Gold Minting For Partner

$bodyParameters = [
    'minting_partner' => 'x6A3lOoJXL59zDd',
    'minting_fee' => 'JGYPjrXW7XDw2mE',
    'minting_piece' => 'KQxz9YXazA14VEO',
    'minting_shipping' => '7Jb1VXLrzpm69xv',
    'shipping_address' => 'Jalan Prapanca, Jakarta Selatan',
    'payment_channel' => 'BRIN',
    'latitude' => '-6.914744',
    'longitude' => '107.609810',

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Minting::goldMintingPartner( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );


Get Profile

$Tresury = TrsEmas\User::profile( true, '(Bearer Token)' );

Update Profile

only get Treasury update profile URL

$Tresury = TrsEmas\User::updateProfile( true, '(Bearer Token)' );

Update Password

$bodyParameters = [
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'password' => '(New Password)',
    'password_confirmation' => '(New Password)',
    'pin' => '12345',

$Tresury = TrsEmas\User::updatePassword( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );


Buy Gold History

$Tresury = TrsEmas\History::buyGoldHistory( true, '(Bearer Token)' );

Sell Gold History

$Tresury = TrsEmas\History::sellGoldHistory( true, '(Bearer Token)' );

Gold Minting History

$Tresury = TrsEmas\History::goldMintingHistory( true, '(Bearer Token)' );

Buy Gold Detail History

$bodyParameters = [
    'invoice_no' => 'TRS42154451',

$Tresury = TrsEmas\History::buyGoldDetailHistory( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );

Sell Gold Detail History

$bodyParameters = [
    'invoice_no' => 'TRS42154451',

$Tresury = TrsEmas\History::sellGoldDetailHistory( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );

Gold Minting Detail History

$bodyParameters = [
    'invoice_no' => 'TRS42154451',

$Tresury = TrsEmas\History::goldMintingDetailHistory( true, $bodyParameters, '(Bearer Token)' );


Check Email Availability

$bodyParameters = [
    'email' => '[email protected]',

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Additional::checkEmailAvailability( true, $bodyParameters );

Security Question

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Additional::securityQuestion( true );

Bank List

$Tresury = TrsEmas\Additional::bankList( true );



  1. Get Bearer Token from Client Login API
  2. Get security code list from Security Question API
  3. Get bank list from Bank List API
  4. Do customer registration

Gold Transaction

To create gold transaction with treasury payment method, the following procedure is:

  1. Get gold rate.
  2. Calculate gold transaction with currency or unit. Gold unit support can be up to 4 digits.
  3. Get payment method list to take payment_code response.
  4. Do transactions with endpoints gold buy and sell gold.

To create gold transaction with partner payment method, the following procedure is:

  1. Get gold rate.
  2. Calculate gold transaction with currency or unit. Gold unit support can be up to 4 digits
  3. Do transactions with endpoints gold buy and sell gold.
  4. Hit endpoint payment notify to ensure payment has been successful.

Minting or Cetak Emas

  1. Get minting partner list.
  2. Check minting fee of selected partner.
  3. Check available minting piece of selected partner.
  4. Calculate total minting payment.
  5. Get payment method list to take payment_code response.
  6. Do transactions.